CARES Act Analysis: Spreadsheet

By House Appropriations Committee Staff , | 4 years ago

Summary of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act on Pennsylvania

Provision What the bill does Estimated Impact on Pennsylvania's Budget

Coronavirus Relief Fund Unemployment

Section 5001 - Coronavirus Relief Funds Allocates $150 billion ($139 billion to states and units of local government with populations of at least 500,000) to cover necessary COVID-19 expenditures incurred between 3/1/2020 and 12/30/2020 that were not accounted for in its most recently approved budget. State allocations are determined based on the state's population, with a minimum distribution to each state of $1.25 billion. Up to 45 percent of the state's allocation may be distributed to units of local government upon certification that funds are used consistent with the intent of the fund. Qualifying local government counties: Allegheny, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Lancaster, Montgomery, Philadelphia. $2.730 billion to PA, $2.234 billion to units of local government at 45% maximum(unused local government allocations will revert to the state)


Sec. 2102 - Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Provides up to 39 weeks of unemployment compensation benefits to individuals who:
- are not eligible for regular UC benefits, or have exhausted their regular, extended or other benefits
- are unemployed, unable or unavailable to work due to the COVID19 emergency.
Sec. 2103 - Relief for governmental entities and nonprofits Provides flexibility for states to interpret laws for reimbursable employers related to timely payment and assessment of penalties and interest. Reduces the amounts that certain nonprofits and governmental entities are required to reimburse states for benefits paid to claimants by 50% through 12/31/20. N/A
Sec. 2104 - Emergency increase in UC benefits The federal government will pay 100% of the costs to provide an additional $600/week unemployment benefit, for weeks ending on or before July, 31, 2020.This amount is to be disregarded from income eligibility determinations for Medicaid and CHIP. N/A
Sec. 2105 - Temporary full federal funding for first week of UC benefits The federal government will pay 100% of the costs to provide the first week of regular UC benefits for states who have waived or amended the waiting week requirement N/A
Sec. 2106. - Emergency state staffing flexibility Allows states emergency flexibility for personnel standards to hire temporary staff, rehiring retirees or former employees to help process claims. N/A
Sec. 2107 - Pandemic UC - Additional 13 weeks Provides up to an additional 13 weeks of unemployment compensation benefits for individuals who have exhausted their regular benefits, or who do not qualify for other benefits. Available until 12/31/20. N/A
Sec. 2108 - Temporary 100% federal financing of work sharing programs already in law Covers 100% of the compensation paid under a short-time compensation (work-sharing plan) until 12/31/20 N/A
Sec. 2109 - Aid to states without work-sharing programs Permits states without formal short-time compensation programs to receive 50% reimbursment if they enact such a program N/A
Sec. 2110 - Grants for work-sharing Provides grants to help states implement or improve a work-sharing program N/A
Sec. 2111 - Guidance to states to implement work sharing USDOL will help states implement work sharing programs N/A

Title IV Economic Stabilization

Sec. 4003 Emergency Relief and Taxpayer Protections Appropriates $454 billion to support loan, credit, and investment facilities established by the Federal Reserve to support businesses, states, and municipalities:
-These funds can be used for leveraged facilities, bringing the total amount of aid potentially available to approximately $4 trillion
-Funds can be used to make loans, purchase bonds, or take equity stakes in enterprises
-Includes restrictions on executive compensation, stock buybacks, and dividends for companies receiving assistance
Sec. 4008 Debt Guarantee Authority Allows for guarantees of debt issued by credit unions in banks by the NCUAB and FDIC N/A
Sec. 4011 Temporary Lending Limit Waiver Reduces lending restrictions on banks and non-bank financial institutions N/A
Sec. 4012 Temporary Relief for Community Banks Eases leverage restrictions on community banks N/A
Sec. 4013 Temporary Relief from Troubled Debt Restructurings Suspends certain bank and credit union rules to allow for loan modifications during the COVID-19 disaster N/A
Sec. 4014 Optional Temporary Relief from Current Expected Credit Losses Waives reporting requirements on banks and credit unions with respect to credit losses N/A
Sec. 4015 Non-Applicability of Restriction on ESF During National Emergency Provides guarantees for money market accounts N/A
Sec. 4021 Credit Protection During COVID-19 Provides temporary relief with respect to credit reporting during the COVID-19 emergency N/A
Sec. 4022 Foreclosure Moratorium and Consumer Right to Request Forbearance Allows for mortgage forbearance of up to six months without any interest or penalty for federally backed mortgages supported by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the FHA, or any department of the federal government N/A
Sec. 4023 Forbearance of Residential Mortgage Loan Payments for Multifamily Properties with Federally Backed Loans -Requires servicers to provide forbearance for up to three months for multifamily borrowers with federally backed mortgages
-Provides rent protection and prohibits evictions from federally backed multifamily properties
Sec. 4024 Temporary Moratorium on Eviction Filings Temporarily prohibits evictions on single- or multi-family rental properties backed, guaranteed, or supported by the federal government N/A

Federal Tax Changes

Employee Retention Credit for Employers Subject to Closure Refundable payroll tax credit for 50 percent of wages paid by employers (including non-profits) whose operations were fully or partially suspended as a result of a government order. Also applies to employers who experienced greater than 50 percent reduction in quarterly receipts. For employers with less than 100 employees, up to $10,000 in wages paid. Not available to employers receiving small business interruption loans. N/A
Other Business Tax Incentives Various minor allowances for businesses to delay employer portion of certain payroll taxes, increased net operating loss carryback allowances, removal of business interest limit for deductions, ability to claim alternative minimum tax as refundable, and removal of loss limit for non-corporations. N/A
Alcohol Tax Exemption for Hand Sanitizer Temporary exception for tax exemption of alcohol produced by distilleries to make hand sanitizer. N/A
Suspension of Aviation Taxes Suspension of the 7.5 percent ticket tax paid by passengers, as well as cargo and fuel tax suspension through Jan. 1, 2020. N/A

Business Assistance

Title II - Department of Commerce- Economic Development Administration Economic Development Assistance Programs - Provides $1.5 billion for economic adjustment assistance to revitalize local communities after the pandemic. *Up to 2 percent of $1.5 billion may be transferred to the "Salaries and Expenses" account for administrative and oversight activities
*$3 million must be transferred to the "Office of Inspector General" to carry out investigations and audits
Title II- Industrial Technology Services Allocates $60 million for "Industrial Technology Services":
*$50 million for the Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership to help small and medium sized manufacturers recover from the pandemic
*$10 million for the National Network for Manufacturing Innovation (also know as "Manufacturing USA"). This funding will be distributed to the Pennsylvania's IRCs and will be used to support development and manufacturing of medical countermeasures and biomedical equipment and supplies.
$2.3 million
Title V- Small Business Administration- Disaster Loans Program Account Allocates $562 million to the "Disaster Loans Program Account to ensure that SBA can provide loans to businesses adversely impacted by COVID-19. N/A

Small Business Lending

Sec. 1107 Direct Appropriations -Appropriates $349 billion for the Small Business Administration to make loans to small businesses affected by COVID-19
-Allows $100 billion of guarantees on loans in the secondary market
-Includes special provisions for minority owned businesses
-Eases lending restrictions on banks and credit unions for loans to small businesses

Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency

Title VI - Department of Homeland Security
Operations and Support $44.987 million to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus N/A
Disaster Relief Fund $45 billion, a portion of which, to be divided as follows:
Major Disasters $25 billion for major disasters declared pursuant to the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act No estimate at this time
All Purposes $15 billion for all purposes No estimate at this time
Office of Inspector General $3 million to the "Office of Inspector General" N/A
Assistance to Firefighter Grants $100 million for personal protective equipment for first responders No estimate at this time
Emergency Management Performance Grants $100 million for state and local governments to support coordination, communication, and logistics $3.1 million
Emergency Food and Shelter Program $200 million for shelter, food, and supportive services to individuals and families in sudden economic crisis $8.3 million

Health and Human Services

Division A - Keeping Workers Paid and Employed, Health Care System Enhancements, and Economic Stabilization
Title III - Supporting America's Health Care System in the Fight Against the Coronavirus
Section 3001 - Short Title
Part I - Addressing Supply Shortages
Section 3101 - National Academies Report on America's Medical Product Supply Chain Security Provides for a review of the security of the US supply chain by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. N/A
Section 3102 - Requiring the Strategic National Stockpile to Include Certain Types of Medical Supplies Adds personal protective equipment, ancillary medical supplies, and other applicable supplies required for the administration of drugs, vaccines and other biological products, medical devices, and diagnostic tests in the stockpile. N/A
Section 3103 - Treatment of Respiratory Protective Devices as Covered Countermeasures Includes respiratory protective devices in the definition of Covered Countermeasure. N/A
Section 3111 - Prioritize Reviews of Drug Applications; Incentives Requires the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) to prioritize and expedite the review of certain drugs if there is expected to be a drug shortage of a drug that is life sustaining. N/A
Section 3112 - Additional Manufacturer Reporting Requirement in Response to Drug Shortages Amends the conditions requiring prioritized and expedited review to times when there is expected to be a drug shortage of a drug that is critical to the public health during a public health emergency. N/A
Section 3121 - Discontinuance or Interruption in the Production of Medical Devices Requires manufacturers of devices critical to a public health emergency that the Secretary of HHS determines there is potential for supply disruptions to notify the Secretary of a discontinuance of or interruption to the manufacture of the device. N/A
Part II - Access to Health Care for COVID-19 Patients
Section 3201 - Coverage of Diagnostic Testing for COVID-19 Expands the COVID-19 tests required to be covered by private insurers. N/A
Section 3202 - Pricing of Diagnostic Testing Requires private insurers to pay the provider's cash price if the provider and insurer do not have a negotiated rate. N/A
Section 3203 - Rapid Coverage of Preventive Services and Vaccines for Coronavirus Requires private insurers to cover any coronavirus preventive services. N/A
Section 3211 - Supplemental Awards for Health Centers $1.32 billion for fiscal year 2020 for supplemental awards to health centers for the detection, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of COVID-19. $37.77 million
Section 3212 - Telehealth Network and Telehealth Resource Centers Grant Programs Adjust parameters of the grant program and allocates $29 million per year for fiscal years 2021 through 2025. No estimate at this time
Section 3213 - Rural Health Care Services Outreach, Rural Health Network Development, and Small Health Care Provider Quality Improvement Grant Programs Adjusts parameters of the grant program and allocates $79.5 million per year for federal fiscal years 2021 through 2025. No estimate at this time
Section 3214 - United States Public Health Service Modernization Adjusts the Regular Corps and Ready Reserve Corps for service in time of national emergency to include time of public health emergency and makes other technical amendments. N/A
Section 3215 - Limitation of Liability for Volunteer Health Care Professional During COVID-19 Emergency Response Except under certain cases, health care professionals shall not be liable under Federal or State law for any harm caused in the provision of health care services during the COVID-19 public health emergency. N/A
Section 3216 - Flexibility for Members of National Health Service Corps During Emergency Period During the COVID-19 public health emergency, the Secretary of HHS may assign members of the National Health Service Corps to places within a reasonable distance from their original assignment and for any number of hours so long as the total hours are the same as prior to the Act. N/A
Section 3221 - Confidentiality and Disclosure of Records Relating to Substance Use Disorder Allows for the disclosure of de-identified information to a public health authority. N/A
Section 3222 - Nutrition Services During the COVID-19 public health emergency
States and area agencies on aging may transfer funds between home-delivered meals and congregate meals without prior approval;
For purposing of determining the delivery of nutrition services, an individual practicing social distancing shall be treated as an individual who is homebound by reason of illness; and,
Dietary requirements can be waived by the Assistant Secretary.
Section 3223 - Continuity of Service and Opportunities for Participants in Community Service Activities Under Title V of the Older Americans Act of 1965 The Secretary of Labor may allow individuals participating in community service activities to extend their participation, may increase the average participation cap, and may increase the administration cost payment so long as it does not exceed 20% of the grant, in order to respond to the COVID-19 public health emergency. N/A
Section 3224 - Guidance on Protected Health Information The Secretary of HHS shall issue guidance no later than 180 days after enactment on sharing protected health information during the COVID-19 public health emergency. N/A
Section 3225 - Reauthorization of Healthy Start Program Reauthorizes the Healthy Start for Infants Program aimed at reducing the rate of infant mortality and improving perinatal outcomes and authorizes $125.5 million per year for fiscal years 2021 through 2025. No estimate at this time
Section 3226 - Importance of the Blood Supply Establishes a campaign to improve awareness of the importance of blood donation during the COVID-19 public health emergency. N/A
Part III - Innovation
Section 3301 - Removing the Cap on OTA During Public Health Emergencies Grants the Secretary of HHS additional authorities under a public health emergency. N/A
Section 3302 - Priority of Zoonotic Animal Drugs The Secretary of HHS shall expedite the review of new animal drugs if preliminary clinical evidence indicates that a new animal drug has potential to prevent or treat a zoonotic disease that has the potential to cause serious or life-threatening diseases in humans. N/A
Part IV - Health Care Workforce
Section 3401 - Reauthorization of Health Professions Workforce Programs Provides:
$23.7 million per year for fiscal years 2021 through 2025 to assist schools in supporting programs of excellence in health professions education for under-represented minority individuals,
$51.47 million per year for fiscal years 2021 through 2025 for schools of nursing for disadvantaged students,
$1.19 million per year for fiscal years 2021 through 2025 for loan repayment and fellowships for individuals with disadvantaged backgrounds in qualifying programs in approved graduate training programs in qualifying fields,
$15 million per year for fiscal years 2021 through 2025 for qualifying schools to assist with costs of identifying, recruiting, and selecting individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds and assisting individuals in a number of ways,
$48.9 million per year for fiscal years 2021 through 2025 for qualifying entities for the training of primary care and specialists, $28.5 million per year for fiscal years 2021 through 2025 for qualifying entities for the training of dentists,
$41.25 million per year for fiscal years 2021 through 2025 for healthcare workforce education programs,
$5.66 million per year for fiscal years 2021 through 2025 for the National Center for Health Care Workforce Analysis,
$17 million per year for fiscal years 2021 through 2025 for grants to increase the number of individuals in the public health workforce, to enhance the quality of such workforce, and to enhance the abilities of the workforce to meet national, State and local health care needs, and
such sums as may be necessary for fiscal years 2021 through 2025 for the pediatric specialty loan repayment program.
No estimate at this time
Section 3402 - Health Workforce Coordination In consultation with the Advisory Committee on Training in Primary Care Medicine and Dentistry and the Advisory Council on Graduate Medical Education, the Secretary of HHS shall develop a comprehensive and coordinated plan with respect to the health care workforce development programs. N/A
Section 3403 - Education and Training Relating to Geriatrics Provides $40.7 million per year for fiscal years 2021 through 2025 for the establishment of Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Programs to support the training of health professionals in geriatric. N/A
Section 3404 - Nursing Workforce Development Makes multiple amendments to the Nursing Workforce Development programs including provisions for Nurse Managed Health Clinics and Authorized Clinical Nurse Specialist Programs, as well as authorizing $137.8 million per year for fiscal years 2021 through 2025 for:
projects that support enhancement of advanced nursing education and practice and traineeships for such individuals
increasing diversity in the nursing workforce
expanding enrollment in baccalaureate nursing programs and providing education in new technologies

$117.1 million per year for fiscal years 2021 through 2025 for student loans related to schools of nursing
Subtitle D - Finance Committee
Section 3701 - Exemption for Telehealth Services Includes and clarifies telehealth in several provisions for income tax purposes. N/A
Section 3702 - Inclusion of Certain Over-the-Counter Medical Products as Qualified Medical Expenses Expands the use of Health Savings Accounts for menstrual care products. N/A
Section 3703 - Increasing Medicare Telehealth Flexibilities During Emergency Period Technical correction to expand telehealth access during an emergency. N/A
Section 3704 - Enhancing Medicare Telehealth Services for Federally Qualified Health Centers and Rural Health Clinics During Emergency Period Allows for the payment of enhanced telehealth services to Medicare recipients during a public health emergency. N/A
Section 3705 - Temporary Waiver of Requirement for Face-to-Face visits Between Home Dialysis Patients and Physicians Allows the secretary to waive face to face requirements during an emergency. N/A
Section 3706 - Use of Telehealth to Conduct Face-to-Face Encounter Prior to Recertification of Eligibility for Hospice Care During Emergency Period Allows for hospice physician or nurse practitioner face to face encounter to be via telehealth during an emergency. N/A
Section 3707 - Encouraging Use of Telecommunications Systems for Home Health Services Furnished During Emergency Period The Secretary shall consider ways to encourage the use of telecommunications systems with respect to home health services. N/A
Section 3708 - Improving Care Planning for Medicare Home Health Services Expands Medicare and Medicaid service delivery to include care from nurse practitioners and clinical nurse specialist in order to receive home health services. No estimate at this time
Section 3709 - Adjustment of Sequestration Exempts Medicare from sequestration through 2030. N/A
Section 3710 - Medicare Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment System Add-On Payment for COVID-19 Patients During Emergency Period Provides for a 20% rate adjustment in Medicare for inpatient discharges for patients diagnosed with COVID-19. N/A
Section 3711 - Increasing Access to Post-Acute Care During Emergency Period Waives the requirement that patients of an inpatient rehabilitation facility receive at least 15 hours of therapy per week during the period of coronavirus public health emergency. N/A
Section 3712 - Revising Payment Rates for Durable Medical Equipment Under the Medicare Program Through Duration of Emergency Period Adjusts Durable Medical Equipment payment rates in Medicare during the period of the coronavirus public health emergency. N/A
Section 3713 - Coverage of the COVID-19 Vaccine Under Part B of the Medicare Program Without Any Cost-Sharing Exempts COVID-19 vaccine administration from cost sharing requirements of Medicare Part B and requires coverage of both the vaccine and administration in Medicare Advantage. N/A
Section 3714 - Requiring Medicare Prescription Drug Plans and MA-PD Plans to Allow During the COVID-19 Emergency Period for Fills and Refills of Covered Part D Drugs for Up to a 3-month Supply During the coronavirus public health emergency, Medicare Part D plans shall allow an enrolled individual to obtain a single fill or refill, not to exceed 90 days, subject to safety editing. N/A
Section 3715 - Providing Home and Community-Based Services in Acute Care Hospitals Allows for the provision of home and community based services in an acute care hospital provided the service is included in the participants plan, is not substituting for hospital care and is not a service that should be delivered by the hospital. No estimate at this time
Section 3716 - Clarification Regarding Uninsured Individuals Clarifies the definition of uninsured individual for purposes of coverage of COVID-19 testing and related visits. N/A
Section 3717 - Clarification Regarding Coverage of COVID-19 Testing Products Technical clarification of COVID-19 testing products to be covered under Medicaid. N/A
Section 3718 - Amendments Relating to Reporting Requirements with Respect to Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Tests Revises the laboratory payment methodology in Medicare. N/A
Section 3719 - Expansion of the Medicare Hospital Accelerated Payment Program During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Allows certain hospitals to request accelerated Medicare payments during a public health emergency. N/A
Section 3720 - Delaying Requirements for Enhanced FMAP to Enable State Legislation Necessary for Compliance Delays the applicability of premiums that would prohibit states from receiving the 6.2 percent enhanced FMAP under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. N/A
Subtitle E - Health and Human Services Extenders    
Part I - Medicare Provisions
Section 3701 - Extension of the Work Geographic Index Floor Under the Medicare Program Extends the Work Geographic Index Floor under the Medicare Program until 12/1/2020. N/A
Section 3702 - Extension of Funding for Quality Measure Endorsement, Input, and Selection Increases and extend funding to the contracted Medicare Quality Measurement entity. N/A
Section 3703 - Extension of Funding Outreach and Assistance for Low-Income Programs Provides:
$13 million for fiscal year 2020 and pro rata funding for 10/1/2020 through 11/30/2020 for grants to State health insurance assistance programs,
$7.5 million for fiscal year 2020 and pro rata funding for 10/1/2020 through 11/30/2020 for Area Agencies on Aging,
$5 million for fiscal year 2020 and pro rata funding for 10/1/2020 through 11/30/2020 for Aging and Disability Resource Centers, and
$12 million for fiscal year 2020 and pro rata funding for 10/1/2020 through 11/30/2020 for contract with the National Center for Benefits and Outreach Enrollment.
No estimate at this time
Part II - Medicaid Provisions
Section 3811 - Extension of Money Follows the Person Rebalancing Demonstration Program Provides $337.5 million for the Money Follows the Person Rebalancing program for 1/1/2020 through 9/30/2020 and pro rata funding for 10/1/2020 through 11/30/2020. No estimate at this time
Section 3812 - Extension of Spousal Impoverishment Provisions Extends the expiration date of spousal impoverishment protections from 5/22/2020 to 11/30/2020. N/A
Section 3813 - Delay of DSH Reductions Delays Disproportionate Share Hospital allotment reductions from 5/23/2020 to 12/1/2020. N/A
Section 3814 - Extension and Expansion of Community Mental Health Services Demonstration Program Extends the Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic Demonstration from 5/22/2020 to 11/30/2020 and authorizes the expansion to two additional states for a two year period. N/A
Part III - Human Services and Other Health Programs
Section 3821 - Extension of Sexual Risk Avoidance Education Program Extends the Abstinence Education program from 5/22/2020 to 11/30/2020 and authorizes pro rata funding for the period 10/1/2020 through 11/30/2020. No estimate at this time
Section 3822 - Extension of Personal Responsibility Education Program Extends the Personal Responsibility program from 5/22/2020 to 11/30/2020 and authorizes pro rata funding for the period 10/1/2020 through 11/30/2020. No estimate at this time
Section 3823 - Extension of Demonstration Projects to Address Health Professions Workforce Needs Social Services Block Grant Demonstrations for projects to provide low-income individuals with opportunities for education, training, and career advancement to address health professions workforce needs may be continued through 11/30/2020 and at a funding level necessary to do so. N/A
Section 3824 - Extension of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program and Related Programs Extends TANF through 11/30/2020. $719 million annually
Part IV - Public Health Provisions
Section 3831 - Extension for Community Health Centers, the National Health Service Corps, and teaching health centers that operate GME programs Increases funding for Community Health Centers to $4 billion for federal fiscal year 2020 and $668.5 million for 10/1/2020 through 11/30/2020.
Provides $310 million to the National Health Service Corps for federal fiscal year 2020 and $51.8 million for 10/1/2020 through 11/30/2020.
Extends funding for teaching centers that operate graduate medical education programs from 5/22/2020 to 11/30/2020 and provides $21 million in funding for the period 10/1/2020 through 11/30/2020.
Section 3832 - Diabetes Programs Extends funding for Special Diabetes Programs from 5/22/2020 through 11/30/2020 and provides $25 million for the period 10/1/2020 through 11/30/2020. No estimate at this time
Part I - OTC Drug Review
Section 3851 - Regulation of Certain Nonprescription Drugs that are Marketed Without an Approved Drug Application Amends the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to allow for the regulation of certain nonprescription drugs that are marketed without an approved drug application. N/A
Section 3852 - Misbranding Adds two conditions under which a drug will be determined to be misbranded. N/A
Section 3853 - Drugs Excluded From the Over-the-Counter Drug Review Technical clarification. N/A
Section 3854 - Treatment of Sunscreen Innovation Act Clarifies applicability of Section 3851 to sunscreen. N/A
Section 3855 - Annual Update to Congress on Appropriate Pediatric Indication for Certain OTC Cough and Cold Drugs Requires a report on cough and cold medicine to be prepared by the Secretary of HHS. N/A
Section 3856 - Technical Corrections Technical amendments to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. N/A
Part II - User Fees
Section 3861 - Finding Any fees collected under Section 3862 shall be dedicated to OTC drug without an approved new drug application related activities. N/A
Section 3862 - Fees Relating to Over-the-Counter Drugs Establishes the ability to assess and collect fees for OTC drugs without an approved new drug application. Outlines the fee schedule, applicability and time line for payment. N/A
Division B - Emergency Appropriations for Coronavirus Health Response and Agency Operations    
Title I - Agricultural Programs    
Domestic Food Programs - Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program $15.8 billion, available through 9/30/2021, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally - $15.5 billion shall be placed in a reserve to be allocated as the Secretary of Agriculture deems necessary to support participation should cost or participation exceed budget estimates to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus. Remaining funds will be allocated to Indian reservations and territories. No estimate at this time
Department of Health and Human Services - Food and Drug Administration $80 million, available until expended, for salaries and expenses necessary for the development of medical countermeasures and vaccines, advanced manufacturing for medical products, and monitoring of medical product supply chains. N/A
Title VIII
Department of Health and Human Services - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention $4.3 billion, available through 9/30/2024, to prevent, prepare for, and responded to coronavirus, domestically or internationally. Not less than $1.5 billion shall be for grants to states, localities, territories, tribes, etc. Every recipient of a 2019 Public Health Emergency Preparedness grant shall receive not less than 100 percent of that grant amount under this provision. $500 million shall be for public health date surveillance and analytics infrastructure modernizations. A portion of the $4.3 billion may be used for grants for the rent, lease, purchase, acquisition, construction, alteration, or renovation of non-federally owned facilities to improve preparedness and response capability at the state and local level. $25 million from the $1.5 billion to PA $4.5 million from the $1.5 billion to Philadelphia $84 million direct to providers
Department of Health and Human Services - National Institutes of Health - National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute $103.4 million, available through 9/30/2024, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally.
It is possible these funds may be used for grants.
No estimate at this time
Department of Health and Human Services - National Institutes of Health - National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases $706 million, available through 9/30/2024, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally.
It is possible these funds may be used for grants.
No estimate at this time
Department of Health and Human Services - National Institutes of Health - National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering $60 million, available through 9/30/2024, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally.
It is possible these funds may be used for grants.
No estimate at this time
Department of Health and Human Services - National Institutes of Health - National Library of Medicine $10 million, available through 9/30/2024, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally.
It is possible these funds may be used for grants.
No estimate at this time
Department of Health and Human Services - National Institutes of Health - National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences $36 million, available through 9/30/2024, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally.
It is possible these funds may be used for grants.
No estimate at this time
Department of Health and Human Services - National Institutes of Health - Office of the Director $30 million, available through 9/30/2024, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally.
It is possible these funds may be used for grants.
No estimate at this time
Department of Health and Human Services - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services $425 million, available through 9/30/2021, for Health Surveillance and Program Support to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally.
Not less than $250 million for Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) Expansion Grant program
Not less than $50 million for suicide prevention programs
Not less than $100 million for public entities to enable them to address emergency substance abuse or mental health needs in local communities
Not less than $15 million allocated to tribes, tribal organizations, urban, Indian health organizations, or health or behavioral health service providers to tribes
No estimate at this time
Department of Health and Human Services - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services $200 million, available through 9/30/23, for Program Management to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically and internationally. Not less than $100 million shall be available for necessary expenses of the survey and certification program, prioritizing nursing home facilities in localities with community transmission of coronavirus. No estimate at this time
Department of Health and Human Services - Administration for Children and Families - Low Income Home Energy Assistance $900 million, available through 9/30/21, to prevent, prepare for, or respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally - 25 percent shall be allocated under the pre-1984 formula change and 75 percent shall be allocated under the post-1984 methodology. $15.3 million
Department of Health and Human Services - Administration for Children and Families - Payments to States for the Child Care and Development Block Grant $3.5 billion, available through 9/30/21, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally to provide continued payments and assistance to child care providers to ease the impact of decreased enrollment or closures related to coronavirus, and to assure they are able to remain open or reopen.

States are encouraged to place conditions on payments to child care providers that ensure a portion of the funds are used to pay salaries and wages of staff.

States are authorized to use funds to provide child care assistance to health care employees, first responders, sanitation workers and other essential employees without regard to income eligibility requirements.
$106.4 million
Department of Health and Human Services - Administration for Children and Families - Children and Families Services Programs $1.874 billion, available through 9/30/21, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally
$1 billion for Community Services Block Grant
$750 million for Head Start
$2 million for the National Domestic Violence Hotline
$45 million for Family Violence Prevention and Services grants
$25 million for activities under the Runaway and Homeless Youth Act
$45 million for child welfare services (Title IV services) without match
$7 million for federal administrative expenses
Community Services Block Grant - $41.764 million Head Start - $30.5 million Family Violence Prevention - $939,000 Runaway and Homeless Youth - $720,823 Child Welfare Services - $1.56 million
Department of Health and Human Services - Administration for Community Living $955 million, available through 9/30/21, for aging and disability service programs to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally
$200 million for supportive services for seniors
$480 million for nutrition services for seniors
$20 million for nutrition related training, awareness and innovation
$100 million for family caregiver support
$20 million for elder rights protection services
$50 million for aging and disability resource centers
$85 million for centers for independent living

No match requirements.

State Long-Term Care Ombudsman shall have continuing direct access (or other access through technology) to residents of long term care facilities during any portion of the current coronavirus emergency.
Supportive Services - $8.9 million Meals - $20.4 million Family Caregivers - $4.3 million Protection Services - $887,000 CILs - $2.87 million
Department of Health and Human Services - Office of the Secretary $27 billion, available through 9/30/2024, for development of necessary countermeasures and vaccines, purchase of vaccines, therapeutics, diagnostics, medical supplies, addressing blood supply chain, telehealth access, enhancements to the U.S. Commissioned Corps, and other preparedness and response activities.
Not less than $250 million shall be made available for Hospital Preparedness Program grantees,
Funds may be used for grants for the construction, alternation, or renovation of non-federally owned facilities to improve preparedness and response capability at the State and local level,
$275 million, available through 9/30/2022, for a public health and social services emergency fund
$90 million shall be transferred to the Health Resources and Services Administration - Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program to be available through 9/30/2022 for supplements to existing grants based on data driven methodology determined by the Secretary
$5 million shall be transferred to the Health Resources and Services Administration - Health Care Systems to remain available until 9/30/2022 to improve capacity of poison control centers.
$180 million shall be transferred to the Health Resources and Services Administration - Rural Health to remain available until 9/30/2022 to carry out telehealth and rural health activities.
$100 billion to remain available until expended to reimburse eligible health care providers for health care related expenses or lost revenues attributable to coronavirus. Eligible health care providers are public entities, Medicare and Medicaid enrolled suppliers and providers, or other entities specified by the Secretary that provide diagnoses, testing, or care for individuals with possible or actual cases of COVID-19.
Poison Control Centers - $216,0001 Initial $30 billion of $100 billion for health care providers - $1.246 billion

K-12 Education

  $30.75 billion Education Stabilization Fund  
  Off the top distributions:  
$153.8 million up to .5% for outlying areas $0
$153.8 million up to .5% for Bureau of Indian Education $0
$307.5 million up to 1% for states with the highest coronavirus burden (state education discretionary) unknown
Subtotal for remaining distribution:  
$30.135 billion    
$2.95 billion 9.8% for the Governor's Emergency Education Relief Fund emergency education relief grants to the Governor of each state (application notice within 30 days; approved or denied within 30 days); eligible uses are: 1. grants to local education agencies deemed to be most significantly impacted by coronavirus
2. grants to institutions of higher education deemed most significantly impacted by coronavirus
3. grants to any other institution of higher education, local education agency, or any other education related entity deemed essential to carrying out child care or early childhood education, social and emotional support, and the protection of education related jobs.
$104.4 million
$13.229 billion 43.9% for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund distributed to state education agencies (SEA) for subgrants to local education agencies (LEA); 90% for LEAs; 0.5% for state admin; 9.5% for emergency needs (through grants or contracts) as determined by SEA Estimate: Total = $523.8 million LEA share = $471.4 million (see eligible uses and an estimate by LEA on next tab) PDE discretionary = $52.4 million PDE administrative = up to $2.6 million
$13.953 billion 46.3 percent for the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund
-90% ($12.558 billion) for institution-level emergency relief; distributed by the federal government to institutions, apportioned 75% based on Pell Grant enrollment that is not exclusively distance education before the emergency, and 25% based non-Pell Grant enrollment that is not exclusively distance education before the emergency.
-7.5% ($1.047 billion) reserved for minority-serving institutions
-2.5% ($349 million) for institutions with the greatest unmet need related to coronavirus

Higher Education Institutional Provisions

Sec. 3503 - Matching requirements Waives matching requirements for campus-based aid programs and allows unused work-study dollars to be used for supplemental grants N/A
Sec. 3504 - SEOG Grants for emergency aid Supplemental educational opportunity grants can be used as emergency aid to help affected students N/A
Sec. 3505 - Work Study during the emergency Colleges can continue to issue work-study payments to students who can't work because of the emegency N/A
Sec. 3506 - Loan Limits Students who dropped out due to COVID-19 will not have this semester count against the lifetime subsidized loan eligibility limit N/A
Sec. 3507 - Pell Limits Students who dropped out due to COVID-19 will not have this semester count against the lifetime Pell Grant eligibility limit N/A
Sec. 3508 - Refunds of student aid Students who dropped out due to COVID-19 do not need to return unused Pell Grants or federal loan amounts. Institutions will not need to calculate these amounts, and the portion of the loan taken out for the semester will be cancelled for the student if he or she had to drop out. N/A
Sec. 3509 - Academic progress Students who dropped out due to COVID-19 will not had those grades affect academic progress requirements for Pell Grants or student loans. N/A
Sec. 3512 - HBCU Capital Financing US Dept of Education can defer payments on current HBCU capital financing loans during the emergency N/A
Sec. 3517-18 - Reporting requirements and certain grant usage US Sec. of Education can waive certain data and reporting requirements for certain grants available to HBCUs and other institutions. The secretary can also modify the allowable uses to permit additional flexibility to respond. N/A
Sec. 3519 - Teacher Service Obligations Teachers who couldn't finish the full year of teaching service due to COVID-19 can still have the year count towards TEACH grants or Teacher Loan Forgiveness. Changes requirements about consecutive service requirement, if interrupted by COVID-19. N/A

Student Loans

Sec. 3513 - Temporary student loan payment relief For federally-held direct loans and FFELP loans held by the US Dept. of Education only, student loan payments will be suspended until 9/20/20. Loans shall not accrue interest during this time period. The months of the suspension will still count towards loan forgiveness programs or loan rehabilitation programs. Involuntary collections, like wage garnishment, are also suspended during this period. Borrowers who benefit from this provision will be notified by the US Dept. of Education. N/A
Sec. 2206 - temporary employer sponsored loan repayment benefit Allows an employer who pays for an employee's student loan debt to receive a deduction for that payment. Applies to student loan payment made before 1/1/21. N/A

Retirement Benefits

Sec. 2202 Special Rules for Use of Retirement Funds -Allows for withdrawals and loans from IRAs and other retirement accounts without ordinary penalties
-Provides for tax advantaged repayment of loans of replacement of withdrawals for a three year period
-Eases rules for required withdrawals

Arts and Humanities

Title VII- National Endowment for the Arts *Allocates a $75 million to support state arts agencies
*40% of the funding shall be distributed to distributed to the state's arts agencies and regional arts organizations
*60% of the funding must be allocated as direct grants
*Waives the match fee
*Priority to projects that assist underserved populations
Title VII- National Endowment for the Humanities *Allocates $75 million to support humanities agencies
*40% of the funding shall be distributed to humanities councils
*60% of the funding must be direct grants
*Waives the match fee
*Priority to projects that assist underserved populations
$797,000- Funding will be allocated to entities throughout the Commonwealth, but will not have a direct impact on the state's budget
Title VIII- Office of Museum and Library Services *Provides $50 million in grants to states that will expand digital network access, purchase internet accessible devices and provide technical support services
*Waives the matching funds requirement
$1.157 Million- Funding will be allocated to entities throughout the Commonwealth, but will not have a direct impact on the state's budget

Housing Assistance

Title XII- Department of Housing and Urban Development - Administrative Support Offices *Allocates $35 million for the Office of the Chief Financial Officer , including department wide salaries and expenses, information technology purposes and to support the department's workforce in a telework environment N/A
Title XII- Department of Housing and Urban Development - Program Offices *Allocates $15 million for "Program Offices *$10 million of the total $15 million shall be used to support the office of Community Planning and Development *$5 million of the total $15 million shall be used to support the Office of Public and Indian Housing N/A
Title XII- Department of Housing and Urban Development -Public and Indian Housing Tenant Based Rental Assistance *Provides $1.25 billion in additional funds for public housing agencies to maintain normal operations and take other necessary actions during the COVID-19 pandemic
*$850million of the total $1.25 billion shall be used for both administrative expenses and other expenses of public housing agencies for section 8 programs, including mainstream vouchers, activities to support or maintain the health and safety of assisted individuals and families, cost related to the retention and support of participating owners and any new activity defined by the Secretary. *$400 million of the total $1.25 billion will be used to support adjustments in the calendar year 2020 section 8 renewal funding allocations. Funding may also be used for public housing agencies that experience a significant increase in voucher per- unit costs or if families are required to terminate rental assistance due to insufficient funds. *Funding amounts are based on need as determined by the Secretary *Unobligated balances under this section may be used for non- competitive incremental ternate- based assistance contracts. No less than 25% of unobligated funds must be allocated proportionally to public housing agencies that received awards on 2017 and 2019.
$25.07 million
Title XII- Department of Housing and Urban Development -Public Housing Operating Fund *Allocates $685 million to help public housing agencies maintain current operations and take any necessary action during the COVID- 19 pandemic *Funding shall be allocated based on the operating fund formula $51.83 million
Title XII- Department of Housing and Urban Development - Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS *Allocates $65 million to support the Housing Opportunities for persons with AIDS program
*No less than $50M of the total $65M shall be distributed based on a formula
*Up to $10 million shall be used to provide an additional one-time, non renewable award to grantees currently administering existing contracts in fiscal year 2010 and prior years
*Funding can be used for relocation services, including lodging in hotels, etc.
$1.67 million
Title XII- Department of Housing and Urban Development - Community Development Fund *Allocates $5 billion for the Community Development Fund, which supplies funding for the Community Development Block Grant Program
*Up to $2 billion shall be distributed using the formula used in fiscal year 2020 and these funds must be allocated by April 25,2020
*$1 billion out of the total $5 billion must be allocated directly to states to prevent, prepare and respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Funding shall be allocated by May 10, 2020
*Remaining funds shall be distributed directly to the state or unit of local government. This funding will be allocated based on a formula set forth by factors determined by the Secretary. Priority will be given to areas with a higher risk of transmitting coronavirus, number of coronavirus cases compared to national average and economic and housing market disruptions resulting from COVID-19. Mandated final statements and comprehensive housing affordability strategies must be submitted by August 16, 2021, rather than August 16, 2020.
*Up to $10 million of the $5 billion may be used to make non competitive, new awards or increase prior awards to existing technical assistance. Funding shall be used to increase in capacity building and technical assistance.
Community Development Block Grant Program (State)- $23.850 Million Community Development Block Grant Program (Local)- $840,742
Title XII- Department of Housing and Urban Development - Homeless Assistance Grants *Allocates $4 billion to prevent, prepare for and respond to COVID-19 among individuals and families who are homeless or receiving homeless assistance and to support additional homeless assistance and homelessness prevention activities.
*Up to $2 billion of the total $4B shall be distributed based on the same formula used in FY 2020 and shall be allocated no later than April 25, 2020.
*Remaining fund shall be allocated directly to states or local government units based on a formula established by the Secretary and shall be allocated no later than June 25,2020
*recipients may us up to 10 percent of their awarded funding for administrative costs and must publish how it has and will utilize its award
*Up to 1 percent of the $4 billion must be used to make noncompetitive, new awards or increase awards made to existing technical assistance providers with experience providing healthcare services to homeless populations. In addition, the awards must increase in capacity building and technical assistance.
*This act does not require individuals or families experiencing homelessness to perform any prerequisite activities as a condition for receiving shelter, housing or other services.
Emergency Solutions Grant Administration- $796,826 Emergency Solutions Grant Program- $19.123 Million
Title XII- Department of Housing and Urban Development -Project-Based Rental Assistance *Allocates $1 billion to allow the continuation of housing assistance contracts with private landlords for Project- Based Section 8 households N/A
Title XII- Department of Housing and Urban Development -Housing for the Elderly *Allocates $50 million to support rental assistance for the elderly. Funds will be used to maintain current operations and expand operational and administrative authority for housing and support services.
*Up to $10 million can be used for service coordinators and the continuation of existing congregate service grants for residents of assisted housing projects
Title XII- Department of Housing and Urban Development -Housing for Persons with Disabilities *Allocates $15 million to support rental assistance for individuals with a disability. Funds will be used to maintain current operations and expand operational and administrative authority for housing and support services. N/A
Title XII- Department of Housing and Urban Development -Fair Housing Activities *Allocates $2.5 million for contracts, grants and other assistance uphold fair housing opportunities.
*$1.5 million of the total $2.5 million will be used for the Fair Housing Assistance Program Partnership for Special Enforcement grants to address fair housing issues relating to COVID-19.
*$1 million of the $2.5 million will be used for the Fair Housing Initiative Program for education and outreach activities to educate the public about fair housing issues related to COVID-19.
Title XII- Department of Housing and Urban Development - Office of Inspector General *Allocates $5 million to the Office of Inspector General. Funds will be used to conduct audits and investigations of projects and activities carried out with funds made available in this act to the Department of Housing and Urban Development N/A


Title I - Agricultural Programs    
General Provisions - Sec. 11002 $14 billion for Commodity Credit Corporation to remediate COVID-19 effects No estimate at this time
  Commodity Credit Corp (CCC)  
  Wholly-owned Government corporation created in 1933 under a Delaware charter and reincorporated June 30, 1948, as a Federal corporation within the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)  
  Programs funded through CCC include:  
  -Domestic farm income, price support and conservation programs under various statutes including the Agricultural Act of 2014  
  - Foreign market development and other international activities of the Department of Agriculture under several statutes including the Agricultural Trade Act of 1978  
  - Activities of the United States Agency for International Development under Title II of the Food for Peace Act  
Title I - Agricultural Programs RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS  
  $20.5 million to the Rural Business Development Grant Program No estimate at this time
  Rural Business Development Grant Program  
  - Provides technical assistance and training for small rural businesses (fewer than 50 new workers & less than $1 million in Gross Revenue)  
  Who may apply:  
  -Authorities/State Agencies  
  -Rural Cooperatives  
  -Institutions of Higher Education  
  Eligible area:
  Grant money must be used for projects that benefit rural areas or towns outside urbanized perimeter of any city with a population of 50,000 or more  
  Title I - Agricultural Programs RURAL UTILITIES SERVICE  
  $25 million to the Distance Learning, Telemedicine, and Broadband Program No estimate at this time
  Distance Learning, Telemedicine, and Broadband Program  
  Provides grants to encourage and improve telemedicine and distance learning services in rural areas through the use of telecommunications, computer networks, and related advanced technologies to be used by students, teachers, medical professionals, and rural residents  
  Grants may be used to acquire:  
  -Equipment and Other Capital Assets  
  -Broadband transmission facilities  
  -Audio/Video equipment  
  -Computer Hardware/Software, Network components  
  -Instructional programming  
  - Technical assistance  
  $450 million for Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus TEFAP  
  Federal program that helps supplement the diets of low-income Americans by providing them with emergency food assistance at no cost  
  PA Department of Agriculture works with USDA to order food for TEFAP  
  - Products are delivered to Four (4) contract warehouses across the state  
  - TEFAP counties and lead agencies distribute product downstream through local food pantries  
  Potential TEFAP State Funding:  
  Administrative Costs/Distribution $4.2 million
  Commodities $12.6 million
Title I - Agricultural Programs    
General Provisions - Sec. 11004 $100 million to the USDA's ReConnect Program to ensure access to broadband ReConnect Program  
  Provides loans and grants for costs of construction, improvement, or acquisition of facilities and equipment needed to provide broadband service in eligible rural areas  
Title I - Agricultural Programs OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY  
  $9.5 billion in additional assistance to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus by providing support for agricultural producers including: No estimate at this time
  producers of specialty crops
- Fruits and vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, horticulture, and nursery crops (including floriculture). Eligible plants must be cultivated or managed and used by people for food, medicinal purposes, and/or aesthetic gratification to be considered specialty crops
producers that supply farmer's markets, schools, and restaurants,
producers of livestock
producers of dairy


Title VI - Department of Homeland Security Extends the Oct. 30, 2020, REAL ID implementation deadline to Sept. 30, 2021  
  $492 million to National Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK) No estimate at this time
Title XII - Department of Transportation NATIONAL NETWORK GRANTS  
$526 million to National Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK) No estimate at this time
Title XII - Department of Transportation FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION (Transit Infrastructure Grants)  
  $25 billion to Transit Area Systems  
  - as indicated by SEPTA, they have received $644 million  
  Distribution (SB 1108 & FFIS):  
  Urban Area Formula Grants (49 U.S.C. 5307) $1,060 billion
  -   Areas with a population of 50,000 or more  
  Rural Area Formula Grants (49 U.S.C. 5311) $81 million
  -Areas with populations less than 50,000  
Title XII - Department of Transportation FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION (FAA)  
  $10 billion in GRANTS-IN-AID FOR AIRPORTS  
  -100% Federal Grant, no match required  
  -If accepting the grant, the airports must have 90% of their employees at the end of the year that they had before the law went into effect  
  - The first piece of grant allocations ($3.7 billion or 37% nationally) as estimated by PennDOT would be:
Philadelphia International - $62.89 million
Pittsburgh International - $19.2 million
Harrisburg International - $2.61 million
Lehigh Valley International - $1.54 million
Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International - $1.06 million
University Park - $631 thousand
Arnold Palmer Regional - $622 thousand
Erie International/Tom Ridge Field - $392 thousand
Williamsport Regional - $92 thousand
Lancaster - $24 thousand
Dubois Regional - $22 thousand
John Murtha Johnstown-Cambria County - $18 thousand
Bradford Regional - $17 thousand
Altoona-Blair County - $16 thousand
- Allocation amounts listed above, as estimated by PennDOT, are the minimum grant amount to be distributed. As of the date of providing this infomation, allocation amounts for the remaining $6.3 billion or 63%, have not been determined
49 U.S.C. § 47102 Definitions:
(1)Air carrier airport - a public airport regularly served by:
(A)an air carrier certificated by the Secretary of Transportation
(B)at least one air carrier
(A) means:
(i) an area of land or water used or intended to be used for the landing and taking off of aircraft
(ii) an appurtenant area used or intended to be used for airport buildings or other airport facilities or rights of way
(iii) airport buildings and facilities located in any of those areas
(B) includes heliport

Department of Military and Veterans Affairs

Title X - Department of Veterans Affairs    
Veterans Benefits Administration $13 million to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus N/A
Veterans Health Administration-Medical Services $14.432 billion to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, including related impacts on health care delivery, and for support to veterans who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless No estimate at this time
Veterans Health Administration-Medical Community Care $2.1 billion to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, including related impacts on health care delivery No estimate at this time
Veterans Health Administration-Medical Support and Compliance $100 million to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, including related impacts on health care delivery No estimate at this time
Veterans Health Administration-Medical Facilities $606 million to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, including related impacts on health care delivery No estimate at this time
Departmental Administration-General Administration $6 million N/A
Departmental Administration-Information Technology Systems $15 billion N/A
Departmental Administration-Office of Inspector General $12.5 million N/A
Departmental Administration-Facilities $150 million to modify or alter existing hospital, nursing home, and domiciliary facilities in State Homes N/A
Armed Forces Retirement Homes Trust Fund $2.8 million N/A

State Police

Title II - Resources for Federal, State and Local Law Enforcement Provides $850 million for the Byrne-Justice Assistance Grant Program (Byrne-JAG). This will allow state and local police departments and jails to meet local needs, including the purchase of PPE and other needed medical items and to support overtime for officers on the front lines. Approximately $17.6 million to state government and $8.4 million to local government for law enforcement activities


Title V-Election Assistance Commission- Election Security Grants *Allocates $400 million to the Election Assistance Commission for election security grants- for the 2020 federal election cycle *Within 20 days of each election in the 2020 federal election cycle, the commonwealth must provide the EAC with a report that includes a full accounting of the State's uses of the payment and an explanation of how such uses allowed the state to prevent, prepare for and respond to COVID-19 *Funds that are not used by December 31, 2020 must be retuned to the Treasury $14.156 million


Sec. 3515 - Workforce Response Local workforce boards administrative funding cap raised from 10% to 20%. Governors can used reserved funds for statewide activites for statewide rapid response activities to respond to the emergency. Unobligated rapid response funds available to the state may be released to local workforce boards at the option of the governor. N/A
Sec. 3601 - Paid leave clarification Clarifies the maximum paid leave that employers are required to pay under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act.. Max of $200/day, $10,000 in the aggregate N/A
Sec. 3602 - Emergency paid sick leave clarification Clarifies the maximum paid sick days that employers are required to pay under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. $511/day, $5,110 in the aggregate for sick leave, $200/day, $2,000 in the aggregate to care for family. N/A

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