This Message from the Chair of the Appropriations Committee provides a historical perspective on the annual budget requirement.
By House Appropriations Committee Staff15 years ago
Details enacted legislation related to the 2009/10 budget
Details funding for disability and autism programs in the enacted 2009/10 budget
This briefing focuses on the early childhood initiatives within DPW: child care programs; Early Intervention for children birth through age three; and Nurse-Family Partnership.
This briefing provides detail on key budgetary issues regarding DPW's Medical Assistance program.
Details funding for the Department of Public Welfare in the enacted 2009/10 budget
This briefing provides details regarding the Fiscal Code in the enacted 2009/10 budget.
This is an analysis of the the Commonwealth's 2009/10 operating budget.
This briefing provides detail regarding the Tobacco Settlement Fund as it relates to the 2009/10 enacted budget.
Details the combined state general fund budget proposals
Details the funding of Pennsylvania's Child Welfare System
By House Appropriations Committee Staff16 years ago
Overview of arguments in favor of a temporary personal income tax
This document covers important points of the 2009-10 DPW budget.
This briefing, also known as the Commonwealth Checkbook, contains an overview of the enacted 2009/10 General Fund budget.
This briefing outlines provisions in House Bill 1416 as amended.
Details education funding by school district
This spreadsheet provides a comparison between the combined state budget for 2009/10.
This spreadsheet details the non-preferred general appropriations in the governor's budget proposal.
This spreadsheet details the general fund combined 2009/10 budget.
This spreadsheet details proposed basic education funding for 2009/10, by school district.
This spreadsheet provides detail regarding proposed 2009/10 basic education funding.
This spreadsheet provides detail regarding the governor's 2009/10 budget proposal.
This spreadsheet compares the combined budget proposals.
Summary of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act as relates to Pennsylvania
This is a PowerPoint presentation titled "Forum on the Economy."
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