2023/24 Budget-Related Legislation

By House Appropriations Committee Staff , | 10 months ago

2023/24 Budget Related Legislation (updated December 14, 2023)
Bill Name Descriptor Act Number & Date
HB 611 General Appropriations Act (GAA) Provides for commonwealth’s General Fund appropriations for fiscal year 2023/24. Act 1A (line item veto)
August 3, 2023
HB 614 Professional Licensure Augmentation Account  Makes appropriations from the Professional Licensure Augmentation Account and from restricted revenue accounts within the General Fund for use by the Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs. Act 2A
July 11, 2023
HB 615 Workmen's Compensation Administration Fund Makes appropriations from the Workmen’s Compensation Administration Fund to the Dept. of Labor and Industry and to the Dept. of Community and Economic Development for the expenses of administering the Workers’ Compensation Act, the PA Occupational Disease Act, and the Office of Small Business Advocate for fiscal year 2023/24. Act 3A
July 11, 2023
HB 616 Office of Small Business Advocate Makes an appropriation from a restricted revenue account within the General Fund to the OSBA. Act 4A
July 11, 2023
HB 617 Office of Consumer Advocate Makes an appropriation from a restricted revenue account within the General Fund to the OCA. Act 5A
July 11, 2023
HB 618 Public School Employees' Retirement Board Makes an appropriation from the Public School Employees’ Retirement Fund to the Public School Employees’ Retirement Board to provide for its expenses for fiscal year 2023/24. Act 6A
July 11, 2023
HB 619 State Employees' Retirement Board Makes an appropriation from the State Employees’ Retirement Fund to the State Employees’ Retirement Board to provide for its expenses for fiscal year 2023/24. Act 7A
July 11, 2023
HB 620 Philadelphia Parking Authority Makes appropriations from the Philadelphia Taxicab & Limousine Regulatory Fund and from the Philadelphia Taxicab Medallion Fund to the Philadelphia Parking Authority for fiscal year 2023/24. Act 8A
July 11, 2023
HB 621 Public Utility Commission Makes appropriations from a restricted revenue account within the General Fund and from federal augmentation funds to the PUC. Act 9A
July 11, 2023
HB 622 State Gaming Fund Makes appropriations from the restricted revenue accounts within the State Gaming Fund and from the State Gaming Fund to the PA Gaming Control Board, the Dept. of Revenue, the PA State Police, and the Attorney General for fiscal year 2023/24. Act 10A
July 11, 2023
HB 623 Capital Budget (2023/24) Authorizes the maximum debt that can be incurred for fiscal year 2023/24 for capital projects. Act 28
November 13, 2023
HB 1300 Fiscal Code Provides for the 2023/2024 fiscal year budget implementation and other changes.   Act 34
Dec. 13, 2023
HB 1351 Human Services Code Amends the act of June 13, 1967, known as the Human Services Code, to require reimbursement for every loaded mile driven for ground ambulance rides and establish payment rates for ambulance services, to make changes to the base data used in developing the nursing facility rates, to reauthorize the Quality Care Assessment, and to include requirements for the Pennsylvania Rural Health Redesign Center Authority. Act 15
October 23, 2023
HB 1461 State Related Universities Makes appropriations to Lincoln University, Penn State University, University of Pittsburgh, and Temple University. Act 11A
November 16, 2023

HB 301

SB 843

School Code Amends the Public School Code.

Act 33 and Act 35
Dec. 13, 2023

2023/24 Budget-Related Legislation

By House Appropriations Committee Staff , | 10 months ago

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