American Rescue Plan of 2021

By House Appropriations Committee Staff , | 4 years ago

Individual Payments and Tax Credits

  • Recovery rebates to individuals
    • $1,400 per person, $2,800 per joint return
    • $1,400 per dependent – different than the “qualifying child” that was previously used to calculate child benefit – now includes college students, adults with disabilities and the elderly who are dependents
    • Phases out between $75,000 and $80,000 ($150,000-$160,000 for joint filers and $112,500 to $120,000 for head of household filers)
    • Helps 95 percent (8.9 million adults and 3.2 million children) of Pennsylvanians[1]
  • Child Tax Credit (CTC)
    • Increases the age of qualifying children to include 17-year-olds
    • Increases the credit from $2,000 to
      • $3,000 for children age 6 to 17; and
      • $3,600 for children under age 6
    • Phases out starting at $75,000 ($150,000 for joint filers)
    • Payments are to be made between July 1, 2021 and December 31, 2021
    • In Pennsylvania, the expansion of the CTC will result in the following benefits:[2]
      • Children under 17 left out of the full $2,000 CTC who would benefit from expansion: 892,000
      • Children under 18 lifted above the poverty line by expansion: 140,000
      • Children under 18 lifted above or closer to the poverty line by expansion: 311,000
      • Children under 18 who would benefit from expansion: 2,368,000
      • Share of children under 18 who would benefit from expansion: 90 percent
  • Earned income tax credit (EITC) increases for individuals with no qualifying children
    • Applicable minimum age is changed from 25 to 19, and maximum age (formerly 65) is removed
    • Phase-out is increased
    • If 2021 income is less than 2019, the lesser amount can be used
    • Would benefit 697,000 PA workers[3]
  • Dependent care assistance tax credit
    • Allowable expenses increased from $3,000 to $8,000 for one dependent and from $6,000 to $16,000 for two or more dependents. The percentage of allowable expenses is increased from 35 to 50 percent
    • The credit is made refundable
  • Nationwide, the net impact of the cash payments, CTC expansion and EITC expansion results in an average tax reduction of 11.3 percent or $3,520 for the bottom 60 percent of earners making less than $65,000 annually. Overall, taxpayers will see a 3.9 percent average reduction in how much they pay in tax.[4]

Unemployment Compensation

  • Extends most of the expiring federal benefit programs to September 6, including
    • PUA, and increasing total weeks available from 50 to 79.
    • FPUC, with the extra benefit staying at $300/week
    • PEUC, the additional weeks of benefits for those who have exhausted other weeks of benefits
    • Full federal funding for extended benefits
    • Emergency staffing flexibility for UC benefit processing
  • Provides 642,000 Pennsylvanians, or 10.23 percent of our workforce, continued benefits[5]
  • Continues to waive interest for UC trust fund cash flow advances to states until September 6
    • Pennsylvania had $1.3 billion in outstanding loans as of March 8, 2021.
  • Relief from charges for reimbursable employers – now extended until September 6
  • Extends financing for short-time compensation programs under the CARES Act
  • Administrative funding - $2 billion appropriated to USDOL for fraud detection and prevention, access and to ensure timely payment of benefits  
    • States may receive grants for this funding, though USDOL can use it for a number of purposes
  • Excludes up to $10,200 in unemployment benefits from gross income for federal tax purposes (if gross income is less than $150,000)

State and Local Government Relief

  • State and Local fiscal recovery - $350 billion
    • Allowable uses:
      • Respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic effects
      • Revenue loss for the provision of government services due to COVID-19 relative to revenues collected in the most recent full fiscal year prior to the emergency
      • Premium pay up to $13 per hour above regular wages for workers performing essential work
      • Water, sewer, and broadband infrastructure
    • Prohibited uses:
      • Directly or indirectly offsetting a tax cut
      • Pension funds
    • Funds must be used by December 31, 2024
    • Periodic reporting required including any modifications of tax revenue sources
    • State Recovery Fund - $219.8 billion
      • PA estimate for state government - $7.293 billion
      • US Treasury could withhold up to 50 percent for up to 12 months
    • Local Recovery Fund - $130.2 billion
      • Direct payments made in two disbursements – 1st within 60 days and 2nd one year later
      • States have 30 days to distribute payments to smaller municipalities that do not receive direct allocations from the federal government
      • Payments to non-metropolitan cities are capped at 75 percent of the most recent budget for the entity as of January 27, 2020
      • PA estimate for local governments - $6.149 billion
  • Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund - $10 billion
    • To fund critical capital projects directly enabling work, education, and health monitoring, including remote options
    • PA estimate - $279 million


  •  Emergency Rental Assistance - $21.55 billion
    • Assistance to eligible households cannot exceed 18 months
    • Funding can be used to provide assistance for:
      • Rent
      • Rental arrears
      • Utilities and home energy costs
      • Utilities and home energy costs arrears; and
      • Other expenses related to housing, as defined by Treasury
    • No more than 10 percent of the state’s allocation can be used to provide case management and other services
    • No more than 15 percent of the state’s allocation can be used for administrative costs
    • Treasury must distribute at least 40 percent of the state’s total allocation within 60 days. States must have obligated no less than 75 percent of the funds already disbursed prior to disbursement of additional amounts
    • Funding remains available through Sept. 30, 2027, if obligated by Oct. 1, 2022
    • PA estimate - $670 million
  • Emergency Housing Vouchers - $5 billion
    • Funding is available until September 30, 2030
    • Treasury must notify public housing agencies of the number of emergency vouchers they will receive within 60 days
  • Emergency Assistance for Rural Housing - $100 million
  • Housing Counseling - $100 million
    • Funding will be allocated to housing counseling intermediaries approved by the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development
  • Homelessness Assistance and Supportive Services Program - $5 billion
    • Administered by the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development
    • Funding allocated for assistance under Title II of Cranston-Gonzales National Affordable Housing Act (42 U.S.C §12721)
    • Funding can be utilized for the following activities:
      • Tenant-based rental assistance
      • Development and support of affordable housing
      • Supportive services
      • Acquisition and development of non-congregate shelter units
  • Homeowner Assistance Fund - $9.96 billion
    • Funding will be allocated to states to provide mortgage payment assistance or other financial assistance to homeowners
    •  Each state will receive no less than $50 million
    • No less than 60 percent of the state’s allocation can be used to assist homeowners with income equal to or less than 100 percent of the area median income for their household or 100 percent of the median income for the U.S, whichever is greater
    • Treasury must start making payments no later than 45 days after the enactment of the Act
    • PA estimate - TBD
  • Relief Measures for Single Family Housing (Section 502 and 504) Direct Loan Borrowers - $39 million
    • Eligible areas include those with populations less than 35,000
    • Properties financed must:
      • Generally be 2,000 square feet or less
      • Not have market value in excess of the applicable area loan limit
      • Not have in-ground swimming pools
      • Not be designed for income producing activities

Business Assistance

  • Paycheck Protection Program - $7.25 billion
    • Extends eligibility for initial PPP loans to additional non profits listed in Sec. 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code, provided that:
      • The organization does not employ more than 300 employees
      • The organization does not receive more than 15 percent of its receipts from lobbying activities
      • Lobbying activities do not comprise more than 15 percent of the organization’s activities
      •  The cost of lobbying activities of the organization did not exceed $1 million during the most recent tax year that ended prior to February 15, 2020
    • Extends eligibility for digital news services that provide local news and lifesaving information about public health guidance during the pandemic
  • Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) advance payments - $15 billion
  • Restaurant Revitalization Grants -$28.6 billion
    • This grant program will be administered through the U.S Small Business Administration
    • Grant amounts made to an eligible entity may be equal to the pandemic-related revenue loss, up to $10 million
    • Grants are limited to $5 million per location
  • Community Navigator Pilot Program - $100 million
    • Provide grants to eligible nonprofits, resource partners and states to increase awareness of and participation in COVID-19 relief programs for business owners
    • PA estimate - unknown
  • Shuttered Venue Operations Grant Program - $1.25 billion  
    • Eligible applicants can utilize this funding, as well as funding from PPP, however, the amount of a grant from the Shuttered Venue Operations Grant Program will be reduced by the total amount of a loan granted through the PPP
    • Funding will be administered through SBA
  • State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) - $10 billion
    • SSBCI provides investment for states to set up programs that can leverage private capital for low-interest loans and other investment opportunities to help business entities
    • Business entities include those:
      • Owned/Controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals
    • PA estimate - unknown
  • Economic Adjustment Assistance - $3 billion
    • 25 percent of this funding is reserved for states and communities that suffered economic injury as a result of losses in travel, tourism and outdoor recreation sectors
    • PA estimate - unknown

Education (K-12)

The American Rescue Plan Act appropriates $122.8 billion for elementary and secondary school emergency relief (ESSER) to remain available through September 2024. Pennsylvania’s estimated share of these funds is $4.99 billion, which is more than double the amount provided in the previous relief package. Additionally, this latest federal aid package includes funding for special education students, homeless students, and non-public schools. The chart below compares the federal aid for K-12 education in the American Rescue Plan to the relief provided in the CARES Act and the Consolidated Appropriations Act.

PA's Share of Education Stabilization Funding
(excluding higher education)
Spring 2020
Consolidated Appropriations Act
Winter 2020
American Rescue Plan
Spring 2021
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER) $523,807,198 $2,224,964,030 $4,996,953,151
Distributed to Local Education Agencies (LEAs) $471,426,478 $2,002,467,627 $4,497,257,836
LEAs must spend at least 20% to address learning loss     $899,451,567
Distribution determined by the State Education Agency (SEA) $49,761,684 $211,371,583  
Available amount for SEA administrative costs $2,619,036 $11,124,820  
Distribution determined by the SEA - with requirements     $499,695,315
SEA must spend at least 50% to address learning loss     $249,847,658
SEA must spend at least 10% on summer enrichment programs     $49,969,532
SEA must spend at least 10% on afterschool programs     $49,969,532
SEA may retain up to 5% for administrative expenses     $24,984,766
Balance of SEA funds (25%) is discretionary     $124,923,829
Governor's Emergency Education Relief Fund (GEER) $104,418,240 $47,074,771 $0
Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools (EANS)   $150,022,294 152,741,404
Special Education Funding     $109,127,014
IDEA Part B (main federal special education subsidy)     $93,475,933
IDEA Section 619 (preschool grants)     $7,301,200
IDEA Part C (infants and toddlers)     $8,349,881
$800 million nationally for US Education Secretary to provide assistance for homeless students     $32,732,708
  • What is the same?
    • The distribution to LEAs (school districts and charter schools) continues to use the federal Title I, Part A formula (largely based upon poverty metrics). Click here for an estimated distribution of the $4.5 billion for Pennsylvania’s LEAs in the American Rescue Plan.
      • Eligible uses of these funds continue to be mental health services, addressing learning loss, summer learning, afterschool programs, educational technology (hardware, software, connectivity), sanitation supplies, planning, professional development, activities to address the unique needs of certain populations (low-income, disability, English learners, racial or ethnic minorities, homeless, foster care), environmental health hazards and indoor air quality in school facilities, and other necessary activities for continuity of service.
    • There is discretionary education funding for the state – an estimated $150 million that is truly discretionary and $350 million that has to go toward specific purposes.
    • There is a second round of the Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools (EANS) funding.
    • As a condition of this federal aid, states must adhere to a “maintenance of effort” standard.
      • In 2021/22 and 2022/23, the proportion of state spending on education relative to overall state spending cannot dip below the previous three year average absent a federal waiver.
  • What is new?
    • A federally-required focus on addressing learning loss and responding to students’ academic, social, and emotional needs.
      • LEAs must spend at least 20 percent of their allocation on measures to address learning loss -- that’s nearly $900 million across all PA school districts and charter schools.
      • States also must spend a portion of their set-aside to address learning loss as well as fund summer enrichment and afterschool programs.
    • LEAs that have not already done so will have 30 days after receiving funding to publicly post (after public input) a plan for the safe return to in-person instruction and continuity of services.
    • There is no new GEER funding.
    • There is dedicated federal funding for special education students (about $3 billion) – PA’s estimated share is $109 million.
    • The package includes $800 million nationally for the U.S. Education Secretary to use to provide assistance for homeless students. There is no formula distribution, so the PA impact is unknown.
    • A new “maintenance of equity” standard that applies to both states and local education agencies (LEAs)
      • State Requirements for 2021/22 and 2022/23
        • States shall not reduce per-pupil state funding for any high-need LEA by an amount that exceeds any overall per-pupil reduction across all LEAs.
          • High-need LEAs are those that, when placed in rank order based upon their share of economically disadvantaged students, educate at least 50 percent of the state’s students.
        • States shall not reduce per-pupil funding for any highest-poverty LEA below 2018/19 levels.
          • Highest-poverty LEAs are those that, when placed in rank order based upon their share of economically disadvantaged students, educate at least 20 percent of the state’s students.
      • School district and charter school (LEAs) requirements for 2021/22 and 2022/23
        • LEAs shall not reduce per-pupil funding from combined state and local resources for any high-poverty school (highest quartile) beyond any reduction in per-pupil funding at the LEA level.
        • LEAs shall not reduce per-pupil, full-time equivalent staff in any high-poverty school beyond any per-pupil FTE reduction across all schools.
        • States shall select the poverty measure for high-poverty schools.
        • Exception: These maintenance of equity requirements do not apply to LEAs with fewer than 1,000 students, LEAs that operate a single school, or those demonstrating and receiving approval for exceptional circumstances.

Higher Education

  • Section 2003- Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF-III)
  • $39.584 billion nationally
    • 91 percent directly to institutions – similar to CARES Act
      • PA estimate - $1.32 billion
      • 50 percent of aid must be distributed to students as emergency financial aid
    • 7.5 percent for HBCUs and minority-serving institutions through Title III, V, and VII programs
      • No PA estimate yet
    • 1 percent for proprietary institutions of higher education
    • 0.5 percent for grants to institutions with the greatest unmet need as determined by the Secretary
  • Maintenance of effort for ESSER applies to both K12 and higher education state funding

Separately, the bill treats student loans that are forgiven or discharged as tax-free for 2021-2025

Health and Human Services

  • Child Care and Development Fund Block Grant – $14.99 billion
    • May be used to provide child care assistance to health care employees, emergency responders, sanitation workers, and other essential workers during the COVID-19 response without regard to income
    • Must be used to supplement and not supplant other Federal, State, and local public funds
    • PA estimate - $457 million
  • Child Care Stabilization Fund - $23.975 billion
    • States may retain up to 10 percent for administration, providing technical assistance, and advertising
    • Remaining funds shall be provided to eligible qualified child care providers, on a rolling basis, to support the stability of the sector
    • In order to receive grants, child care providers must certify that they will: follow local and CDC guidance; will not reduce employees’ full compensation, including benefits; will not furlough or reduce hours impacting full compensation; and, provide relief from copayments and tuition payments to the extent possible, prioritizing families struggling to make payments.
    • Must be used to supplement and no supplant other Federal, State, and local public funds
    • PA estimate - $731 million
  • Head Start – $1 billion
    • PA estimate - $34.7 million
  • Programs for Survivors
    • Family Violence Prevention - $180 million
      • PA estimate - $5.7 million
    • Grants to support culturally specific populations - $49.5 million
    • Grants to support survivors of sexual assault - $198 million
  • Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment - $350 million
    • $12.3 million UPDATED 3/15/2021
  • Vaccine Activities - $7.5 billion
    • Allows for grant awards to state and local health departments for vaccine distribution, vaccine administration, community vaccine centers, mobile vaccination units, information technology, facility enhancements, communications, and transportation
    • PA estimate - $101.4 million (not including $14.3 million directly to Philadelphia) UPDATED 4/7/2021
  • Vaccine Confidence Activities - $1 billion
    • Funding to CDC to strengthen vaccine confidence, provide information and education, and improve the rates of vaccination
    • Does not specify if all activities will occur at the federal level or if any will be passed on to states
  • Vaccine Supply Chain - $6.05 billion
    • Research, development, manufacturing, production, and purchase of vaccines, therapeutics, and medical supplies
  • Reduced Cost Sharing for Qualified Health Plans
    • Treats any individual who has been approved to receive unemployment compensation in 2021 as eligible for reduced cost sharing
  • COVID-19 Testing, Contact Tracing, and Mitigation Activities - $47.8 billion
    • To detect, diagnose, trace, and monitor COVID-19
    • Allows for grants to states to detect, diagnose, trace, and monitor COVID-19 as well as establish, expand, or sustain a public health workforce
    • $10 billion announced March 17, 2021, to ramp up screening testing to help schools reopen
      • PA estimate - $337.9 million (not including $47.7 million directly to Philadelphia) UPDATED 3/23/021
    • $2.25 billion announced March 17, 2021, to address COVID-19 related health disparities and advance health equity among high-risk and underserved populations
      • No PA estimate yet
  • SARS-COV-2 Genomic Sequencing - $1.75 billion
    • To strengthen and expand activities and workforce related to genomic sequencing, analytics, and disease surveillance
    • Allows for grants to states to expand their capacity to sequence genomes, identify mutations, identify outbreaks, develop response strategies, enhance informatics capabilities, and facility construction, alteration, or renovation
    • No PA estimate yet
  • Public Health Workforce - $7.66 billion
    • To establish, expand, and sustain a public health workforce
    • Allows for grants to states to cover costs related to recruiting, hiring, and training of individuals; personal protective equipment, technology and other supplies; and, administrative costs
    • No PA estimate yet
  • Community Health Centers - $7.6 billion
    • PA estimate - $154.3 million direct to centers UPDATED 4/7/2021
  • Family Planning - $50 million
  • Community Mental Health Services Block Grant - $1.5 billion
    • PA estimate - $46.6 million UPDATED 3/15/2021
  • Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant - $1.5 billion
    • PA estimate - $47.5 million UPDATED 3/15/2021
  • Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) - $4.5 billion
    • PA estimate - $258 million UPDATED 4/7/2021
  • Water Assistance Program - $500 million
    • Grants to states to provide funds to owners or operators of public water systems to reduce arrearages and rates of low-income households that pay a high proportion of household income for drinking and wastewater
    • Allocations to be based on the percentage of households in the state with incomes less than or equal to 150 percent of the federal poverty level and the percentage of households in the state that spend more than 30 percent of monthly income on housing
    • No PA estimate yet
  • Older Americans – $1.434 billion
    • Nutrition Services - $750 million
      • PA estimate - $31.9 million
    • Supportive Services - $460 million
      • PA estimate - $20.6 million
    • Evidence-Based Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Services - $44 million
      • PA estimate - $1.9 million
    • Family Caregiver Support Program - $145 million
      • PA estimate - $6.2 million
    • Elder Rights Protections - $10 million
      • PA estimate - $423,000
  • Maternal, infant, and early childhood home visiting programs - $150 million
    • PA estimate - $4.6 million
  • Pandemic Emergency Assistance to Children and Families - $1 billion
    • Grants to states may be used to provide non-recurrent, short-term benefits, in cash or other forms
    • State may retain up to 15 percent for administration
    • Must be used to supplement and no supplant other Federal, State, and local public funds
    • $26.4 million UPDATED 3/15/2021
  • Elder Justice – $276 million
    • Funding for aging and disability services and enhancing adult protective services
      • $88 million for fiscal year 2021
      • $188 million for fiscal year 2022
        • PA estimate – $11.2 million for both years
  • COBRA – $10 million
    • Would allow individuals eligible for COBRA insurance to maintain their employer sponsored coverage without having to pay a portion of the premiums through September 30, 2021
  • Premium Tax Credits
    • Improves affordability by expanding premium assistance for consumers
      • Temporarily reduces premium percentages for 2021 and 2022
  • Child Care
    • In addition to the targeted COVID funding outlined above, the regular child care entitlement grants are increased by $633 million, without expiration, and without additional state maintenance of effort or matching requirements beyond those at the current funding level of $2.917 billion for federal fiscal year 2021 and 2022
    • PA estimate - $18 million
  • Medicaid
    • Mandates Medicaid coverage of COVID-19 vaccines, vaccine administration, and COVID-19 testing and treatment costs and provides 100 percent FMAP to states
      • No PA estimate yet
    • Creates a state plan option for Medicaid and CHIP coverage to pregnant and postpartum women for 12 months following delivery
    • Creates a state plan option to provide Medicaid community-based mobile crisis intervention services
    • Adjusts the Disproportionate Share Hospital allotments upward due to the enhanced 6.2 percent FMAP
  • Home and Community-Based Services
    • Additional 10 percent FMAP from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022
    • Additional FMAP eligible on home health services, personal care services, PACE services (PA LIFE Program), HCBS services, case management, and rehabilitative services
    • States shall use the additional funding to supplement, not supplant the level of state funds expended for home and community-based services
    • States shall implement or supplement the implementation of one or more activities to enhance, expand, or strengthen home and community-based services
    • No PA estimate yet
  • Nursing Facilities
    • Strike Teams - $250 million
      • Funding for states to establish and implement a strike team that will be deployed to nursing facilities when there are suspected cases of COVID-19 among residents or staff
      • Would assist with clinical care, infection control, or staffing
        • No PA estimate yet
  • Children’s Health Insurance Program
    • Mandates CHIP coverage of COVID-19 vaccines, vaccine administration, and COVID-19 testing and treatment costs and provides 100 percent FMAP to states and adjusts the CHIP allotments accordingly
      • No PA estimate yet
  • Provider Relief Fund - $8.5 billion
    • Federal payments to eligible health care providers for health care related expenses and lost revenues attributable to COVID-19


  • Amtrak Grants - $1.66 billion
    • Northeast Corridor Grants - $970 million
    • National Network Grants - $730 million
  • Relief for Airports - $8 billion
  • Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Grants - $30.46 billion
    • Urbanized Area Formula Grants (49 U.S.C. § 5307) - $26.08 billion
      • PA estimate $1.27 billion UPDATED 4/1/2021
    • Planning Grants to Restore Service [49 U.S.C. § 5307(b)(1)] - $25 million
    • Formula Grants for Enhanced Mobility of Seniors & Individuals with Disabilities (49 U.S.C. § 5310) - $50 million
      • Estimates based on Area Population UPDATED 4/1/2021
        • PA areas with population of 200,000 or more - $1.74 million
        • PA areas with population 50,000 to 199,999 - $379,651
        • PA areas with population less than 50,000 - $424,449
    • Rural Area Formula Grants (49 U.S.C. § 5311) - $317.2 million
      • PA estimate $5.61 million UPDATED 4/1/2021
    • Grants to Bus Operators that partner with subrecipients within Intercity Bus Transportation under [49 U.S.C. § 5311(f)] - $100 million
      • PA estimate $3.43 million UPDATED 4/1/2021
    • Fixed Guideway Capital Investment Grants (49 U.S.C. § 5309) - $1.67 billion
      • New Start and Core Capacity Projects [§ 5309 (d), (e)] - $1.42 billion
      • Smart Start Projects recipient of CIG allocation [§ 5309 (h)] - $250 million
      • No PA allocation UPDATED 4/1/2021


  • Emergency Pilot Program for Rural Health Care Development - $500 million
    • Eligible applicants are public entities, political subdivisions and nonprofit entities with significant ties with the local, rural community
    • Uses include increasing capacity for vaccine distribution; provision of medical supplies and increase medical surge capacity; lost revenues; increase telehealth capabilities; temporary or permanent structures to provide healthcare, including vaccine administration and testing; staffing for vaccine administration or testing; and other efforts to support rural development critical to address the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Assistance for Socially Disadvantaged Farmers/Ranchers/Forest Land Owners & Operators - $1.01 billion
  • Commodity Credit Corporation - $800 million
  • SNAP Online Purchasing and Technology Improvements - $25 million

Food and Nutrition

  • SNAP Enhanced Benefits of 15 percent extended from June 30, 2021 to September 30, 2021
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) State Administration - $1.135 billion for federal fiscal years 2021 through 2023
    • 75 percent based on SNAP enrollment for the most recent 12-month period
    • 25 percent based on the increase in SNAP enrollment over the most recent 12-month period
  • SNAP Online Purchasing Improvements - $25 million
    • For the USDA to make improvements to online purchasing, modernize EBT technology, support mobile technologies, technical assistance, and education
  • Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) - $37 million
  • Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Program - $490 million
    • The secretary may increase benefits up to $35 at the request of a state through September 30, 2021
  • WIC Program Modernization - $390 million
    • For the USDA to perform outreach, innovation, and program modernization, including granting of waivers, to increase participation in the program and redemption of benefits
  • Pandemic SNAP EBT Program
    • Allows for programs to continue during any school year in which there is a public health emergency and through a following covered summer period

Veterans’ Affairs

  • Critical funding for Veterans Health Administration - $14.5 billion
  • Assistance for unemployed veterans - $400 million
      • PA Share unknown
  • Funding for state veterans’ homes
    • $500 million for application-based grants to state veterans’ homes
    • $250 million distributed based on state share of total resident capacity of all national state veterans’ homes
      • PA Share unknown


  • Provides $86 billion through the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation to maintain benefit payments for financially distressed multi-employer pension plans (MEPs)
    • None of this funding is available for public pension systems
    • Pennsylvania has an estimated 152,779 participants in covered MEPs

Federal Emergency Management Agency

  • $50 billion to carry out the purposes of the Disaster Relief Fund for costs associated with major disaster declarations
    • Funding can be used for personal protective equipment; vaccine distribution; sanitization of schools, public transit, and courthouses; health care overtime costs; and other needs.
    • Extends the funeral assistance program that will reimburse those who have lost a loved one to COVID for many common funeral expenses.
  • $100 million for assistance to firefighter grants
  • $200 million for adequate fire and emergency response grants
  • $100 million for emergency management performance grants
  • $400 million for emergency food and shelter grants


  • National Endowment for the Arts - $135 million
    • 40 percent of the funding will be used to provide grants to state art agencies
    • 60 percent of the funding will be used to provide direct grants to support organizations’ programming
  • National Endowment for the Humanities - $135 million
    • 40 percent of the funding will be used to provide grants to state humanities council
    • 60 percent of the funding will be used to provide direct grants to support organizations’ programming
  • Institute of Museum and Library Services - $200 million
    • 89 percent of the funding will be allocated to state library administrative agencies
  • FCC E-Rate Emergency Connectivity Fund for schools and libraries
    • $7.2 billion nationally to help schools and libraries purchase equipment and advanced telecommunications and information services, including laptops, tablets, wi-fi hotspots, and networking equipment
    • Can pay for 100 percent of the cost of devices, if the FCC determines the request is reasonable