General Fund Revenue Report - November 2023
By Brittany Van Strien , Budget Analyst | one year ago
General Fund revenues in November were $46.4 million or 1.5% more than expected.
For the year-to-date, General Fund revenues are $1.1 million or 0.01% below estimate.
Corporate net income tax (CNIT) collections were $66.4 million or 35.2% higher than expected in November. For the fiscal year-to-date, CNIT is outperforming estimates by $123.2 million or 7.5%.
Non-tax revenue also finished the month higher than expected by $24.8 million or 16.8%. It should be noted that non-tax revenue collections this month were impacted by the first installment of the liquor store profit transfer being made by the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board, totaling $100 million. This transfer was anticipated and therefore built into the November projections for non-tax revenue. The remainder of the profit transfer, expected to be $85.1 million, will be transferred to the General Fund later in the fiscal year.
Sales and use tax (SUT) revenue was $19.6 million or 1.7% lower than expected for the month. Collections from motor vehicle sales were $0.7 million or 0.7% higher than estimated, but collections from nonmotor vehicle sales were $20.3 million or 2.0% below estimate. For the year-to-date, SUT is $125.3 million or 2.0% under projections.
Similarly, personal income tax (PIT) revenue underperformed in November by $13.0 million or 1.1%. Although non-withholding payments were $8.7 million or 15.4% above estimate, withholding payments were $21.7 million or 1.9% less than projected. For the year-to-date, PIT is $90.1 million or 1.4% below estimate.
2023/24 General Fund Revenues ($ in Millions)
November 2023 Revenues
Year-to-Date Revenues
Month Estimate
Month Revenues
$ Difference
% Difference
YTD Estimate
YTD Revenues
$ Difference
% Difference
General Fund Total
Tax Revenue
Corporation Taxes:
Corporate Net Income Tax
Gross Receipts Tax
Public Utility Realty Tax
Insurance Premiums Taxes
Financial Institution Taxes
Consumption Taxes:
Sales and Use Tax
Cigarette Tax
Other Tobacco Products Tax
Malt Beverage Tax
Liquor Tax
Other Taxes:
Personal Income Tax
Realty Transfer Tax
Inheritance Tax
Gaming Taxes
Minor and Repealed
Non-Tax Revenue