2019/20 Fiscal Code Analysis: Budget Briefing
By House Appropriations Committee Staff , | 5 years ago
SB 712 PN 1085
Brief Summary
SB 712 amends the Fiscal Code with substantive language implementing the General Appropriation Act of 2019, and it makes other amendments to the Fiscal Code.
Analysis of the Bill
Investment of Moneys
Section 301.1 extends the existing authority for the Treasury Department to investment commonwealth assets until December 31, 2024. This authority is currently set to expire on 12/31/2019. (new)
Oil & Gas Lease Fund transfer to Marcellus Legacy Fund
Section 1601.2-E eliminates the Oil & Gas Lease Fund transfer to Marcellus Legacy Fund and then to Environmental Stewardship Fund. (new)
Transportation Network Companies
Section 1606-M extends the 1.4% assessment on all rides by transportation network companies such as Uber and Lyft which originate in Philadelphia. The assessment was set to expire on 12/31/2019 but will now expire on 12/31/2020. (new)
Rainy Day Fund
Section 1702-A provides that if the Secretary of the Budget certifies a surplus in the General Fund at the end of 2018/19, 100 percent of the surplus shall be deposited into the Budget Stabilization Reserve Fund. (new)
State Workers’ Insurance Board
Section 1731-A extends the State Workers’ Insurance Fund investment authority until June 30, 2021. (new)
Water and Sewer Projects Definition
Section 1771-A defines “Water and sewer project” as a project which is for water supply system, sewage disposal system, storm water system or flood control. (new)
Directing the use of some CFA Funds
Section 1771-A extends the use of funds for water and sewer projects for FY 2019/20 as follows:
- $20 million from First Industries (same)
- $15.95 million from Building PA Program (same)
- $650,000 from previously unexpended funds (new)
- $3.4 million from Water Supply & Wastewater Infrastructure Program (same)
- Project cost shall be between $30,000 - $500,000 (same)
Tobacco Settlement
Article XVII-A.1 addresses the debt service payments related to the commonwealth’s 2018 securitization of future revenues from the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement. Act 43 of 2017 authorized the governor to issue bonds totaling $1.5 billion backed by future revenues from the MSA. The act established procedures for the resulting debt payments which allowed for repayment either from MSA revenues or from sales and use tax revenues. (new)
Section 1711-A.1 defines the term debt service account as referring to the Tobacco Revenue Bond Debt Service Account. (new)
Section 1712-A.1 requires that MSA revenues sufficient to make annual debt service payments must be deposited into the debt service account established by Act 43. Subsection 2(ii) requires that for the 2019/20 fiscal year, revenues equal to the debt service amount will be transferred from cigarette taxes and deposited into the Tobacco Settlement Fund. (new)
Section 1713-A.1 repeals the language which specified how MSA revenues would be disbursed and codifies the new disbursement formula which has been enacted in the fiscal code each of the last several fiscal years. The 2019/20 formula is unchanged from the 2018/19 formula and disburses money as follows:
- Tobacco Use Prevention and Cessation – 4.5%
- Health and Related Research – 13.6%
- Uncompensated Care – 8.18%
- Medicaid Benefits for Works with Disabilities – 30%
- Other Health-Related Purposes – 43.72%
Race Horse Development Fund
For FY 2019/20, Section 1723-A.1 authorizes the transfer of $19.659 million from the PA Racehorse Development Fund for disbursement to the Animal Health Commission, the Pennsylvania Veterinary Laboratory System, Pennsylvania Fairs, and the State Farm Products Show Fund. (same)
For FY 2019/20, $10.066 million will be transferred from the PA Racehorse Development Fund to the State Racing Fund to cover costs of enforcement of equine medication rules testing. (same)
Workers’ Compensation Security Fund
Section 1734-A.1 extends repayment of the loan made by the Workers’ Compensation Security Fund to the General Fund until July 1, 2024. (new)
Natural Gas Infrastructure Development Fund
Section 1741-A.1, 1744-A.1, 1745-A.1 and 1746-A.1 adds large residential conversion projects and combined heat and power applications to the list of projects eligible for grants from the fund. It also increases the cap on grants from $1 million to $1.5 million and makes tapping costs eligible for grants up to $500,000. Finally, it requires the development of streamlined application procedures for grants of $75,000 or less. (new)
Enhanced Revenue Collections Account
The Enhanced Revenue Collections Account (ERCA) is a restricted account within the General Fund where the Department of Revenue holds collections from enhanced enforcement and avoided refunds before transferring the money to the General Fund. Each year since its inception the Fiscal Code allowed the department to retain a portion of the money for its administrative costs.
Section 1761-A.1 continues the account but allows the General Assembly to make an appropriation to the department to fund the costs of expanded tax collection activities. House Bill 790 (General Appropriations) of 2019 contains an appropriation for $30 million to the Department of Revenue for this. (new)
Environmental Stewardship Fund Appropriations to DEP/DCNR
Section 1774.1-A provides for the ability of the General Assembly to appropriate money from the Environmental Stewardship Fund for the use of Department of Environmental Protection and Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Funds appropriated from the Environmental Stewardship Fund under the General Appropriations Act of 2019 (HB 790) shall be distributed prior to allocations under Title 27 §6104 (d). (new)
Recycling Fund Appropriations to DEP
Section 1781-A.1 provides for the ability of the General Assembly to appropriate money from the Recycling Fund for the use of the Department of Environmental Protection. Funds appropriated from the Recycling Fund under the General Appropriation Act of 2019
(HB 790) shall be distributed prior to allocations under Section 706 (c) of the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act. (new)
Block Grants (same definitions, moved language)
Section 1705-E provides definitions for the following block grants:
- Small Communities Development Block Grant
- Community Services Block Grant
- Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant
- Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant
- Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Block Grant (LIHEAPBG)
- Social Services Block Grant
- Mental Health Services Block Grant
- Substance Abuse Block Grant
- Child Care and Development Fund Block Grant (CCDFBG)
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Block Grant (TANFBG)
Single Use Plastics
Section 1706-E prohibits bans, taxes or regulations on single-use plastics, reusable plastics, auxiliary containers, wrappings and polystyrene containers until two reports to the General Assembly are complete.
The Independent Fiscal Office will evaluate the economic impact to the commonwealth, its industry partners and consumers for any regulation impacting these items. Similarly, the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee shall evaluate the environmental impact and impact upon residents of regulations impacting the items. Both reports are due by July 1, 2020.
Until the reports are complete, the General Assembly, local governmental bodies, or agencies may not enact laws, rules, regulations or ordinances imposing a tax on, or related to the use, disposition, sale, prohibition on restriction on single-use plastics, reusable plastics, auxiliary containers, wrappings or polystyrene containers. (new)
Farm Show Restricted Account created within the General Fund
Section 1724-E creates the Farm Show Restricted Account within the General Fund, where general revenues shall be transferred, for the payment of contract number 2018-OCC7364 (Farm Show Transaction). (new)
Category 4 Slot Machine License Auctions
Section 1724.1-E requires the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board to conduct up to five additional auctions for Category 4 slot machine licenses. Auctions are only open to current licensed casinos. The auctions are to be held beginning no later than September 4, 2019 and conclude by December 31, 2019. If an auction fails to generate a bid, no further auctions will be held. Minimum bids remain at $7.5 million.
Provisions controlling Category 4 auctions remain the same as previous auctions held in 2018, with the exception that future winning bidders’ locations may not be within 40 miles of another casino, category 1, 2, 3 and 4. Prior law limited Category 4 locations by a 25 mile radius from existing Category 1, 2 or 3 casinos.
This section also limits the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board from awarding a Category 1 slot machine license which has not yet been awarded. There is currently one unissued Category 1 license, which has been available since gaming was instituted in 2004. (new)
Block Grant Transfers
Section 1729-E allows the Secretary of Human Services, upon notification to the majority and minority chairs of the Senate and House Appropriations Committees, to transfer federal funds from the TANF and CCDF block grants to the child care services appropriation to serve additional children. (new)
Section 1738-E moves language from the General Appropriations Act related to the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) to the Fiscal Code. The language asserts PHEAA’s status as part of the commonwealth and directs that the appropriations to the agency shall supplement other commonwealth funds maintained by PHEAA to fulfill its function of providing access to higher education opportunities and programs. (same language)
Court Fees and Surcharges
Section 1795.1-E addresses surcharges imposed on certain filings and other proceedings of Pennsylvania’s unified judicial system. Section 2802-E of the Fiscal Code imposes two surcharges, one of $10 and one of $2, on top of existing fees and charges established in the Administrative Code and Title 42 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes. Both of these surcharges were set to expire on December 31, 2020. Section 15.2 removes the expiration language from the $2 surcharge while maintaining the December 31, 2020 expiration for the $10 surcharge. (same; makes $2 permanent)
Multimodal Transportation Fund
Section 1798.3-E extends the Multimodal Transportation Fund local match waiver for municipalities and port authorities to December 31, 2020. (same)
Video Gaming Fund Loan
The appropriation to the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board from the Video Gaming Fund in SB 243 is in the form of a loan, which is to be repaid in a manner according to law. This provision establishes the funding source of the loan and repayment requirements.
The loan is necessitated by the requirement for the board to provide administration and regulation for Video Gaming Terminals (VGTs) at truck stops, which requires work by the board before the VGTs are established and generating revenue. Once the VGTs generate revenue, the loan will be repaid.
The source of the loan is from excess money from local law enforcement grants that has not been committed as of July 1, 2019. Under Section 1799-E, this money will be transferred to the General Fund and then to the Gaming Control Board. (new)
Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control
Section 1799.9-E terminates the Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee on July 1, 2021.
The committee was statutorily created in 1966 as a legislative service agency to hold hearings and study air and water pollution laws and their enforcement, mining practices, mining laws and reclamation of mined lands. The committee can recommend changes to the General Assembly. (new)
Enhanced Revenue Collection Account
Section 1730-H removes inapplicable references replaced by Section 1761-A.1. (new)
Section 1702-J includes certain definitions, including defining TANFBG as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Block Grant.
Section 1703-J specifies that throughout the General Appropriation Act of 2019 any reference to the Department of Criminal Justice shall be deemed a reference to either the Department of Corrections or the Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole. This language is necessary because the proposed merger of the two departments has still not been codified even though many department functions have been combined and some appropriations language is written as if the departments have been fully merged.
Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency
Section 1712-J makes several earmarks to appropriations made to the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency.
Subsection 1 specifies that funds appropriated for intermediate punishment treatment programs shall be distributed competitively to counties. It further specifies that at least 80% will be used for drug and alcohol and mental health treatment programs. This language is unchanged from 2018/19. (same)
Subsection 2 requires that of funds appropriated to PCCD, no less than the amount used in 2014/15 be spent on the Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification System (SAVIN) and for a residential treatment facility for at-risk youth in a county of the fifth class. It also requires that $400,000 (new) be allocated for an innovative police data sharing system and that $400,000 (new) be allocated to a diversion program for first-time nonviolent offenders. (same)
Subsection 3 stipulates that of funds appropriated for violence and delinquency prevention program, no less than the amounts in 2014/15 shall be used for programs in a city of the second class, and for blueprint mentoring programs addressing you violence in cities of the first, second, and third class. Cities of the second and third class will also receive a proportional share of $50,000. (same)
Subsection 4 requires that from funds appropriated to PCCD, $1 million must be transferred to the Department of Criminal Justice to enhance mail safety operations and that $500,000 be given as grants to counties to reimburse costs for indigent criminal defense in capital cases. (new)
Auditor General
Section 1715-J mandates that $500,000 of any funds appropriated to the auditor general for special financial audits – which amounts to the entire appropriation for the 2019/20 fiscal year – must be used to audit entities that receive funds from the Department of Human Services through its appropriations for:
- Medical Assistance – Capitation
- Medical Assistance – Community HealthChoices
- Medical Assistance – Long-term Care
- Mental Health Services
- Intellectual Disabilities – Community Waiver Program
Department of Agriculture
Section 1718-J directs money appropriated for general government operations, funds shall be transferred to the Dog Law Restricted Account at no less than 2014/15 spending levels. (same)
From money appropriated for general government operations, $250,000 for Commission of Agricultural Education Excellence to assist development and implementation of agricultural education programming. (same)
From funds appropriated for agricultural preparedness and response, $1 million to fund research of chronic wasting disease.
From funds appropriated for agricultural research:
- $300,000 for an agricultural resource center
- No less than $100,000 for agricultural law research programs in conjunction with a land grant university
From money appropriated for agricultural promotion, education and exports, $250,000 for expansion of hemp farming, including program development, outreach and education. (new)
From money appropriated for hardwoods research and promotion, at least 80 percent will be equally distributed among hardwood utilization groups. (same)
Up to $165,000 from the Agricultural Conservation Easement Purchase Fund to fund succession planning grants; individual grants cannot exceed $3,000. (same)
Directs Secretary of Department of Agriculture to provide a status report on the implementation of PA Preferred Organic Initiative to the House/Senate Agricultural and Rural Affairs Committee. (same)
Department of Community and Economic Development
Section 1719-J contains a number of provisions related to the implementation of the department’s FY 2019/20 appropriations.
For funds appropriated for the GGO, at least $150,000 is dedicated to economic development initiatives related to rehabilitation and marketing of commercial districts in a county of the sixth class. Additionally, at least $800,000 (new) is directed toward a manufacturing technology development effort in a county of the fourth class. (same)
Funding for the core mission of DCED’s tourism office is level-funded at $4,067,000. Remaining funds are allocated for arts and cultural activities that generate statewide and regional economic impact. $500,000 is included for a statewide Special Olympics competition in a county of the fourth class. (same)
DCED is instructed to distribute $6,357,000 in Keystone Communities funding to the Main Street, Elm Street, Enterprise Zone, and accessible housing programs in the same proportion as fiscal year 2012/13. Additionally, $500,000 is allocated toward an antiviolence task force in a county of the second class A that is also a home rule county. At least $300,000 is allocated for a broadband expansion pilot program in North Central and North Western regions of the Commonwealth. Lastly, at least $300,000 is allocated to an innovative pilot program to provide or expand cost effective broadband services to underserved rural areas. Pilot programs can only be implemented by regional economic development entities that serve the Appalachia area of the Commonwealth. The rest of the funding shall be used for projects supporting economic growth community development and municipal assistance throughout the Commonwealth. (same)
Funds appropriated for local municipal emergency relief shall provide assistance to persons or political subdivisions directly affected by disasters or public safety emergencies that do not qualify for federal assistance. Grants will be available for reimbursement when an area is not covered under the Presidential disaster declaration or DCED determines a public safety emergency has occurred. (same)
Lastly, up to 3% (new) of the funds allocated from the Community Development Block Grant Entitlement Program for Nonurban Counties and Certain Other Municipalities can be used for administrative costs. (same)
Department of Corrections
Section 1721-J requires that $1.75 million of the funds appropriated for the general operations of the Department of Criminal Justice must be used for non-narcotic medication assisted substance use disorder treatment. (new)
Department of Education
Section 1722-J directs a portion of the allocation for adult and family literacy programs to go to after-school learning programs servicing low-income students located in a county of the sixth class (same) and a county of the third class (new).
Section 1722-J increases the per-student grant award for Pre-K Counts by 2.95 percent. PDE guidelines set the rate at $8,500 for 2018/19; therefore, this statutory adjustment will increase the rate to $8,750.25 per-student for 2019/20. (new)
Section 1722-J stipulates that the balance of the funds appropriated for PA Charter Schools for the Deaf and Blind after all tuition costs have been paid shall be distributed pro rata based on increased pension costs. Additionally, the four schools will equally share a new $500,000 set-aside for deferred maintenance and capital-related costs. (new)
Section 1722-J provides for an allocation to approved private schools from funds set aside for extraordinary special education expenses. It also ensures an allocation equal to the 2015/16 amount for a certain approved private school. (same)
The bill provides for the distribution of funds for regional community college services and community education councils. (same)
Section 1722-J prohibits charter schools, regional charter schools, or cyber charter schools from receiving funds appropriated for PSERS or Social Security and Medicare contributions. (same)
Department of General Services
Section 1724-J requires money appropriated for capitol fire protection shall be used by the City of Harrisburg to support the provisions of fire services to the Capitol complex. (same)
Department of Health
Section 1725-J includes a number of provisions regarding the implementation of the department’s 2019/20 appropriations.
From funds appropriated for general government operations, sufficient funds are included for the coordination of donated dental services as well as $100,000 for outreach for Charcot-Marie-Tooth syndrome. (same)
There is new language requiring $100,000 from funds appropriated for diabetes programs to be directed towards awareness, education and outreach efforts focused on Type I Diabetes. This amount aligns with the increase to this appropriation contained within the General Appropriations Act. (new)
From funds appropriated for adult cystic fibrosis and other chronic respiratory diseases, no less than the amount used in 2014/15 is to be used for a program promoting cystic fibrosis research in Allegheny County and research related to childhood cystic fibrosis in Philadelphia. (same)
New language is added that requires $500,000 from funds appropriated for Lyme disease to be directed to offset marketing and implementation costs of a free tick testing program in partnership with a PASSHE school. This amount aligns with the increase to this appropriation contained within the General Appropriations Act. (new)
Funds appropriated for lupus programs are to be distributed in the same proportion as 2014/15.
Biotechnology research includes allocations for regenerative medicine research, regenerative medicine medical technology, hepatitis and viral research, drug research and clinical trials related to cancer treatment, genetic and molecular disease research, nanotechnology, and the commercialization of applied research. (same) In addition to these standard inclusions, there is language relating to pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis. (new)
Funds appropriated for leukemia and lymphoma are to be allocated entirely to a branch of an eastern Pennsylvania chapter of a nonprofit organization whose mission aligns with the issue. (same)
Department of Labor and Industry
Section 1727-J The bill allocates funds from Industry Partnerships for a workforce development program for veterans in Delaware County and requires that $3 million be distributed as grants upon recommendation of the Pennsylvania Workforce Development Board to support current and emerging workforce needs. (same)
Department of Human Services
Section 1729-J contains provisions related to the implementation of the department’s 2019/20 budget.
The section includes the following provisions for Medical Assistance (MA):
- Community Access Fund payments to hospitals shall be distributed using the 2014/15 formula -- if total funding is less than 2014/15, payments shall be made on a pro rata basis. (same)
- Money appropriated for fee-for-services used for Select Plan for Women’s Preventive Health Services shall be used for women’s medical services, including noninvasive contraception supplies. (same)
- Mandates separate MA fee-for-service payments to hospitals for healthy newborn care and a mother’s obstetrical delivery. (same)
- The Medical Assistance fee-for-service appropriation includes no less than $10.45 million for distribution to seven entities as specified in the bill. (new)
- The Medical Assistance capitation appropriation includes no less than $150,000 to be used for the prevention and treatment of depression in older Pennsylvanians in a second class county. (same)
- The Medical Assistance long-term care appropriation includes no less than $8 million to be distributed to three specified nursing facilities (one county and two non-public) and $850,000 to a special rehabilitation facility in Peer Group Number 13. It also includes an additional $750,000 for supplemental ventilator care and tracheotomy care payments to be paid equally to nursing facilities with at least 90 percent assistance recipient residents who require medically necessary ventilator care or tracheostomy. (same)
- The following appropriations include sufficient funds for a 2 percent increase in the fee-for-service rates for personal assistance services, beginning January 1, 2020: Community HealthChoices, home and community-based services, services to persons with disabilities, and attendant care. The intent of the rate increase is to increase wages for direct care workers who provide agency-directed personal assistance services for the elderly and adults with physical disabilities. (new)
- Qualifying university-affiliated physician practice plans shall not receive any less than the state appropriation made available to those physician practice plans during 2017/18. The qualifying plans are University of Pennsylvania, Drexel University, Thomas Jefferson University, Einstein Medical Center, Mercy Philadelphia and Mercy Pittsburgh. (same)
- Qualifying academic medical centers shall not receive any less than the state appropriation made available to those medical centers in 2017/13. The qualifying academic medical centers are Temple, University of Pittsburgh, Penn State - Hershey, Penn State – Centre County, Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, Commonwealth Medical Center, and Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. (same)
- Funds appropriated for trauma center payments that are not used for payments to level III trauma centers shall be used for payments to hospitals qualifying as Level I or II trauma centers. (same)
- Allows for the department to adjust – with federal approval – premiums for the Medical Assistance for Workers with Disabilities (MAWD) program. (same)
Subsection 1 requires that $580,000 of funds appropriated for mental health services (or federal funds) must be utilized to maintain an existing web portal that provides comprehensive referral services for mental health or substance abuse issues and to expand that portal to include resources targeting military veterans and their families. Subsection 2 requires that $100,000 from funds appropriated for mental health services must be used to expand services at a pediatric mental health hospital and an adolescent residential treatment program in a county of the third class. (new)
Subsection 4 stipulates that funds appropriated for breast cancer screening may be used for women’s medical services that include noninvasive contraceptives. (same)
Subsection 5 states that funds appropriated for women’s service programs grants to nonprofit agencies which promote childbirth and alternatives to abortion shall be expended to provide services until childbirth and for up to 12 months thereafter. It also specifies that TANF Block Grant funds for Alternatives to Abortion shall be utilized for services to women with incomes below 185% of the federal poverty line. (same)
Subsection 6 mandates that of funds appropriated for autism intervention and services, $2.13 million will be distributed to six entities specified in the bill. This language matches language in last year’s fiscal code. (same)
Subsection 7 specifies that funds appropriated to community-based family centers may not be considered as part of the base calculation for the county child welfare needs-based budget. (new)
Subsection 8 requires that of funds appropriated for 2-1-1 communications, $750,000 must be allocated for a statewide 2-1-1 system grant program. (same)
Subsection 9 mandates that of funds appropriated for blind and visual services, $2.584 million be allocated to a statewide professional services provider association. Additionally, $581,000 must be allocated to provide specialized services for the blind in Philadelphia. (new)
Subsection 11 applies federal rules on benefit eligibility for illegal aliens to payments and providers. (same)
Department of Transportation
$1.9M for costs related to capital equipment for a rural transit service. (new)
Restricted receipts accounts created for Capital Assistance Elderly and Handicapped Programs, Railroad Rehabilitation and Improvement Assistance, and Ridesharing/Van Pool Program – Acquisition. (typical)
Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency
Section 1735-J Appropriations for search and rescue programs shall support training service dogs for rescue and public safety. (same)
In addition, $250,000 from the State Fire Commissioner will be used to
- Fund a statewide recruitment and retention coordinator,
- Fund regional technical advisors to help implement recruitment and retention training programs
- Provide technical assistance to local fire organizations and local governments
Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency
Section 1738-J requires that PHEAA will allocate $500,000 for the Cheyney Keystone Academy (same) from the Higher Education Assistance Fund and $1 million will be allocated to Mansfield University (new) for merit scholarships.
2019-2020 Restrictions on Appropriations
The bill provides for several limitations on funds and restricted receipt accounts.
Section 1702-K stipulates again this year that Lottery Fund revenue appropriated for PENNCARE shall not be utilized for administrative costs by the Department of Aging.
Restricted Receipt Accounts
Section 1725-K allows the Secretary to create restricted receipt accounts for the purpose of administering federal grants for various agencies.
This is the same language as the prior year.
Fund Transfers
Transfers $3,852,000 (new) from personal income tax revenues to provide start-up funding to the State Employees' Retirement System (SERS) Restricted Account for expenditures incurred administering SERS’ defined contribution plan. (same)
Section 1726-K authorizes the transfer of $45 million (new) from personal income tax collections to the School Safety and Security Fund. Including the ongoing transfer of $15 million from the judicial computer system augmentation account, the total transfer into the School Safety and Security Fund will be $60 million for 2019/20, which was the same amount as 2018/19. (same)
$20 million of Personal Income Tax revenues shall be transferred to the Environmental Stewardship Fund. (new)
Section 1726-K contains a number of provisions related to funds transferred to the CFA
$5 million from the First Industries Program account is transferred to an account established in the CFA to support research and development, organic transition, value- added processing and marketing grants Pennsylvania’s dairy industry. (same)
$12 million from the Building Pennsylvania Program is directed to a CFA account dedicated to blight remediation and hazard mitigation. (new)
$24 million from the New Pennsylvania Venture Capital Program account is transferred to the H20 PA Act account. (new)
The bill allows the Secretary of the Budget to transfer up to $45 million from available amounts in accounts or funds to DEP and DCNR. Any amounts transferred shall be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin and prior notice given to the Appropriations chairs in the House of Representatives and Senate. (new)
Act 448 of 1968, which created the Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control Committee, is repealed.
Effective Dates
SB 712 shall take effect immediately.
